首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Multi-locus phylogenies of the genus Barteria (Passifloraceae) portray complex patterns in the evolution of myrmecophytism

Multi-locus phylogenies of the genus Barteria (Passifloraceae) portray complex patterns in the evolution of myrmecophytism


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The four species of the central African genus Barteria show variation in habitat and in degree of association with ants. Whereas B. solida, restricted to submontane forests, attracts opportunistic ants to extrafloral nectar, the three other species, found in lowland rainforests (B. fistulosa, B. dewevrei) and in littoral scrub (B. nigritana), possess stem domatia of varying shapes and degrees of specialisation, hosting either non-specific arboreal ants (B. nigritana, some B. dewevrei) or two large species of ants of the genus Tetraponera Smith, 1852 that are specific to some species of Barteria (B. fistulosa, some B. dewevrei). We aimed to investigate whether this variation represents an evolutionary trend toward increasing specialisation of mutualism or the reduction or loss of myrmecophytic traits. For this, we determined phylogenetic relationships within the genus using DNA sequences (primarily nuclear ITS) and microsatellite genotypes (11 loci) on a large sample of individuals, mostly from Cameroon and Gabon. The two types of markers support an initial dichotomy that groups B. dewevrei with B. nigritana and B. fistulosa with B. solida respectively. Within these pairs, species do not appear reciprocally monophyletic. At microsatellite loci, B. nigritana forms a clade embedded within B. dewevrei; and within both B. solida and B. fistulosa, geographical populations show levels of differentiation similar to that observed between populations of B. solida and B. fistulosa. Geographic distance alone does not account for genetic differentiation between species, which indicates reproductive isolation. Divergence in each of the two pairs implies evolutionary transitions in habitat and in myrmecophytism. Specialised mutualism with specific ant species of the genus Tetraponera has been lost in species found in more marginal habitats.
机译:中部非洲属Barteria的4个物种在栖息地和与蚂蚁的关联度上表现出差异。 B. solida仅限于山地森林,它会吸引机会性蚂蚁进入花外花蜜,而在低地雨林(B. fistulosa,B。dewevrei)和沿海灌木丛(B. nigritana)中发现的其他三个物种则具有不同的茎状区。的形状和专业化程度,可以容纳非特定的树状蚂蚁(B. nigritana,一些B. dewevrei)或Tetraponera Smith,1852年的两种大型蚂蚁,这些蚂蚁特定于某些Barteria(B。fistulosa,一些B. dewevrei)。我们旨在研究这种变异是否代表着一种发展趋势,即趋向于增加互助的专业化程度,或减少或失去了输卵管植物性状。为此,我们使用DNA序列(主要是核ITS)和微卫星基因型(11个基因座)在大量个体(主要来自喀麦隆和加蓬)上确定了属内的系统发生关系。两种类型的标记支持最初的二分法,分别将B. dewevrei与B. nigritana和B. fistulosa与B. solida分组。在这些对中,物种不会相互出现单系。在微卫星基因座上,黑褐芽孢杆菌形成嵌在矮芽孢杆菌内的进化枝。在固态双歧杆菌和瘘管双歧杆菌中,地理种群显示出的分化水平与固态双歧杆菌和双歧杆菌的种群间相似。仅地理距离并不能解释物种之间的遗传分化,这表明生殖隔离。这两对中的每一个的差异意味着栖息地和分枝杆菌的进化过渡。在更边缘的生境中发现的物种中,与特特拉波内拉属的特定蚂蚁物种发生了专门的共生。



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