首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >A multigene species tree for Western Mediterranean painted frogs (Discoglossus)

A multigene species tree for Western Mediterranean painted frogs (Discoglossus)


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Painted frogs (Discoglossus) are an anuran clade that originated in the Upper Miocene. Extant species are morphologically similar and have a circum-Mediterranean distribution. We assembled a multilocus dataset from seven nuclear and four mitochondrial genes for several individuals of all but one of the extant species and reconstructed a robust phylogeny by applying a coalescent-based species-tree method and a concatenation approach, both of which gave congruent results. The earliest phylogenetic split within Discoglossus separates D. montalentii from a clade comprising all other species. Discoglossus montalentii is monophyletic for haplotype variation at all loci and has distinct morphological, bioacoustic and karyotypic characters. We find moderate support for a sister-group relationship between the Iberian taxa and the Moroccan D. scovazzi, and high support for a D. pictus - D. sardus clade distributed around the Tyrrhenian basin. Topological discordance among gene trees during the speciation of D. galganoi, D. scovazzi, D. pictus and D. sardus is interpreted as the consequence of nearly simultaneous, vicariant diversification. The timing of these events is unclear, but possibly coincided with the final geotectonic rearrangement of the Western Mediterranean in the Middle Miocene or later during the Messinian salinity crisis. The Iberian taxa D. galganoi galganoi and D. g. jeanneae are reciprocally monophyletic in mitochondrial DNA but not in nuclear gene trees, and are therefore treated as subspecies of D. galganoi.
机译:彩绘青蛙(Discoglossus)是起源于上中新世的无色系。现存物种在形态上相似,并具有近地中海分布。我们从七个现存的核和四个线粒体基因中组装了一个多基因组数据集,除了一个现存物种中的一个物种外,其他几个个体都通过使用基于聚结的物种树方法和串联方法重建了稳健的系统发育,两者均给出了一致的结果。 Discoglossus内最早的系统发育分裂将D. montalentii与包含所有其他物种的进化枝分开。 Discoglossus montalentii对于所有位点的单倍型变异都是单系的,并且具有独特的形态,生物声学和核型特征。我们发现伊比利亚生物群与摩洛哥D. scovazzi之间的姐妹群关系得到了适度支持,而第勒尼安盆地周围分布的D. pictus-D. sardus枝条得到了高度支持。 D. galganoi,D。scovazzi,D。pictus和D. sardus物种形成过程中基因树之间的拓扑不一致被解释为几乎同时发生的维多利亚时代多样化的结果。这些事件的发生时间尚不清楚,但可能与中新世中期或更晚的墨西尼盐度危机期间西地中海的最终大地构造重合相吻合。伊比利亚分类群D. galganoi galganoi和D. g。线虫在线粒体DNA中是单系的,但在核基因树中不是单系的,因此被视为高加索氏菌的亚种。



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