首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Diversification of the Yellow-shouldered bats, Genus Sturnira (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae), in the New World tropics

Diversification of the Yellow-shouldered bats, Genus Sturnira (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae), in the New World tropics


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The Yellow-shouldered bats, Genus Sturnira, are widespread, diverse, and abundant throughout the Neotropical Region, but little is known of their phylogeny and biogeography. We collected 4409. bp of DNA from three mitochondrial (cyt-. b, ND2, D-loop) and two nuclear (RAG1, RAG2) sequences from 138 individuals representing all but two recognized species of Sturnira and five other phyllostomid bats used as outgroups. The sequence data were subjected to maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference analyses. Results overwhelmingly support the monophyly of the genus Sturnira but not continued recognition of Corvira as a subgenus; the two species (bidens and nana) allocated to that group constitute separate, basal branches on the phylogeny. A total of 21 monophyletic putatively species-level groups were recovered; pairs were separated by an average 7.09% (SD. = 1.61) pairwise genetic distance in cyt-. b, and three of these groups are apparently unnamed. Several well-supported clades are evident, including a complex of seven species formerly confused with S. lilium, a species that is actually limited to the Brazilian Shield. We used four calibration points to construct a time-tree for Sturnira, using BEAST. Sturnira diverged from other stenodermatines in the mid-Miocene, and by the end of that epoch (5.3. Ma), three basal lineages were present. Most living species belong to one of two clades, A and B, which appeared and diversified shortly afterwards, during the Pliocene. Both parsimony (DIVA) and likelihood (Lagrange) methods for reconstructing ancestral ranges indicate that the radiation of Sturnira is rooted in the Andes; all three basal lineages (in order, bidens, nana, and aratathomasi) have strictly or mainly Andean distributions. Only later did Sturnira colonize the Pacific lowlands (Chocó) and thence Central America. Sturnira species that are endemic to Central America appeared after the final emergence of the Panamanian landbridge ~3. Ma. Despite its ability to fly and to colonize the Antilles overwater, this genus probably accompanied the "legions" of South American taxa that moved overland during the Great American Biotic Interchange. Its eventual colonization of the Lesser Antilles and the appearance of two endemic lineages there did not take place until the Pleistocene. Because of its continual residence and diversification in South America, Andean assemblages of Sturnira contain both basal and highly derived members of the genus.
机译:黄肩蝙蝠,Sturnira属,在整个新热带地区广泛存在,种类繁多,种类繁多,但对它们的系统发育和生物地理学知之甚少。我们收集了138个个体的三个线粒体(cyt-.b,ND2,D-loop)和两个核(RAG1,RAG2)序列的4409 bp DNA,这些个体代表了除两个公认的Sturnira物种外的五个蝙蝠类蝙蝠,将其作为一组。对序列数据进行最大简约,最大似然和贝叶斯推断分析。结果绝大多数支持Sturnira属的一元论,但并未继续确认Corvira为亚属。分配给该组的两个物种(出价组和纳纳)在系统发育上构成了单独的基础分支。总共检索到21个单系统推定物种级别的组;两对之间的平均距离是cyt-的7.09%(SD。= 1.61)。 b,其中三个组显然未命名。显而易见,有几个枝头支撑良好,其中包括七种以前曾与S. lilium混淆的物种,而后者实际上仅限于巴西盾。我们使用BEAST,使用四个校准点为Sturnira构建时间树。在中新世中期,Sturnira与其他皮肤癣菌不同,到那个纪元(5.3 Ma)结束时,出现了三个基底谱系。大多数活体物种属于上新世后不久出现并多样化的两个进化枝A和B之一。简约法(DIVA)和似然法(Lagrange)都可以用来重建祖先范围,这表明Sturnira的辐射源于安第斯山脉。这三个基础血统(顺序,比登,娜娜和阿拉塔托玛西人)都严格或主要是安第斯分布。直到后来,斯图尼拉才在太平洋低地(Chocó)和中美洲定居。中美洲特有的Sturnira物种是在巴拿马陆桥〜3最终出现之后出现的。嘛。尽管它具有飞翔和在水上殖民地安的列斯群岛的能力,但该属可能伴随着南美分类群的“军团”,后者在“大美洲生物交流”期间移到了陆地上。直到更新世之后,它才最终在小安的列斯群岛定居并出现了两个地方血统。由于其在南美洲的不断居住和多样化,Sturnira的安第斯组合既包含基础属又是高度衍生的属。



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