首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >The origins and radiation of Australian Coptotermes termites: From rainforest to desert dwellers

The origins and radiation of Australian Coptotermes termites: From rainforest to desert dwellers


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The termite genus Coptotermes (Rhinotermitidae) is found in Asia, Africa, Central/South America and Australia, with greatest diversity in Asia. Some Coptotermes species are amongst the world's most damaging invasive termites, but the genus is also significant for containing the most sophisticated mound-building termites outside the family Termitidae. These mound-building Coptotermes occur only in Australia. Despite its economic and evolutionary significance, the biogeographic history of the genus has not been well investigated, nor has the evolution of the Australian mound-building species. We present here the first phylogeny of the Australian Coptotermes to include representatives from all described species. We combined our new data with previously generated data to estimate the first phylogeny to include representatives from all continents where the genus is found. We also present the first estimation of divergence dates during the evolution of the genus. We found the Australian Coptotermes to be monophyletic and most closely related to the Asian Coptotermes, with considerable genetic diversity in some Australian taxa possibly representing undescribed species. The Australian mound-building species did not form a monophyletic clade. Our ancestral state reconstruction analysis indicated that the ancestral Australian Coptotermes was likely to have been a tree nester, and that mound-building behaviour has arisen multiple times. The Australian Coptotermes were found to have diversified 13 million years ago, which plausibly matches with the narrowing of the Arafura Sea allowing Asian taxa to cross into Australia. The first diverging Coptotermes group was found to be African, casting doubt on the previously raised hypothesis that the genus has an Asian origin. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:白蚁属(Coptotermes)(Rhinotermitidae)分布于亚洲,非洲,中南美洲和澳大利亚,在亚洲具有最大的多样性。一些Coptotermes物种是世界上最具破坏力的入侵白蚁之一,但对于包含Termitidae家族以外最复杂的筑土白蚁,该属也很重要。这些筑巢的白蚁只在澳大利亚发生。尽管具有经济和进化意义,但该属的生物地理历史尚未得到很好的研究,澳大利亚土堆物种的进化也没有得到很好的研究。我们在这里介绍了澳大利亚Coptotermes的第一个系统发育,包括来自所有所述物种的代表。我们将新数据与以前生成的数据结合起来,以估计第一个系统发育,包括来自发现该属的所有大陆的代表。我们还提出了在属进化过程中对分歧日期的第一个估计。我们发现澳大利亚的Coptotermes是单系的,并且与亚洲的Coptotermes最相关,在一些澳大利亚分类群中具有相当大的遗传多样性,可能代表了未描述的物种。澳大利亚的土丘物种没有形成单系进化枝。我们的祖先状态重建分析表明,祖先的澳大利亚白蚁很可能是一个树巢,而且筑土行为已经多次出现。发现澳大利亚的白蚁种群在1300万年前就已经多样化,这与阿拉法拉海的变窄相吻合,这使得亚洲生物群可以跨入澳大利亚。发现第一个分歧的Coptotermes群体是非洲人,这对先前提出的关于该属起源于亚洲的假说产生了怀疑。 (C)2014 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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