首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Coalescent models reveal the relative roles of ancestral polymorphism, vicariance, and dispersal in shaping phylogeographical structure of an African montane forest robin

Coalescent models reveal the relative roles of ancestral polymorphism, vicariance, and dispersal in shaping phylogeographical structure of an African montane forest robin


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Although many studies have documented the effect of glaciation on the evolutionary history of Northern Hemisphere flora and fauna, this study is the first to investigate how the indirect aridification of Africa caused by global cooling in response to glacial cycles at higher latitudes has influenced the evolutionary history of an African montane bird. Mitochondrial DNA sequences from the NADH 3 gene were collected from 283 individual Starred Robins (Pogonocichla stellata, Muscicapoidea). At least two major vicariant events, one that separated the Albertine Rift from all but the Kenyan Highlands around 1.3-1.2 Myrs BP, and another that separated the Kenyan Highlands from the northern Eastern Arc, and the northern Eastern Are from the south-central Eastern Arc between 0.9 and 0.8 Myrs BP appear to underlie much of the observed genetic diversity and structure within Starred Robin populations. These dates of divergence suggest a lack of recurrent gene flow; although the Albertine Rift and south-central Eastern Arc share haplotypes, based on coalescent analyses this can confidently be accounted for by ancestral polymorphism as opposed to recurrent gene flow. Taken collectively, strong evidence exists for recognition of four major ancestral populations: (1) Kenyan Highlands (subspecies keniensis), (2) Albertine Rift (ruwenzori), (3) northern Eastern Are (helleri), and (4) south-central Eastern Arc, Ufipa and the Malawi Rift (orientalis). The estimated divergence times cluster remarkably around one of the three estimated peaks of aridification in Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene centred on I Myrs BP. Further, time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) estimates (1.7-1.6 Myrs BP) of gene divergence between the Albertine Rift and the other montane highlands corresponds closely with a second estimated peak of aridification at about 1.7 Myrs BP. Collectively, these results suggest that aridification of Africa in response to glaciation at higher latitudes during the Pleistocene has had a profound influence on montane speciation in east and central Africa. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:尽管许多研究都记录了冰川作用对北半球动植物进化史的影响,但这项研究还是第一个研究全球变冷对高纬度冰川周期的响应对非洲的间接干旱如何影响进化史的研究。山mont鸟的头。来自NADH 3基因的线粒体DNA序列是从283个单独的Stared Robins(Pogonocichla stellata,Muscicapoidea)收集的。至少有两次重大的维多利亚时代事件,一次是将阿尔伯丁纵谷与除肯尼亚高地以外的所有地区分开,约1.3-1.2迈尔斯BP,另一次是将肯尼亚高地与北部东部弧形区分开,并将北部东部与南部中东部地区分开在0.9 Myrs BP和0.8 Myrs BP之间的弧似乎是Stared Robin种群内观察到的许多遗传多样性和结构的基础。这些分歧的日期表明缺乏循环的基因流。尽管Albertine Rift和Central East Central具有相同的单倍型,但基于合并分析,可以肯定地认为,这是祖先的多态性,而不是周期性的基因流。总体而言,有力的证据可用于识别四个主要祖先种群:(1)肯尼亚高地(keniensis亚种),(2)Albertine Rift(ruwenzori),(3)北部东部Are(helleri)和(4)中南部东部弧,乌菲帕和马拉维裂谷(东方)。估计的发散时间明显地集中在以迈尔斯BP为中心的上新世的非洲干旱估计的三个高峰之一。此外,到最近的共同祖先(TMRCA)估计时间(1.7-1.6 Myrs BP),阿尔伯廷大裂谷和其他山地高地之间的基因差异接近于第二个估计的干旱高峰,约为1.7 Myrs BP。总的来说,这些结果表明,在更新世期间,高纬度地区冰川对非洲的干旱化对东部和中部非洲的山地物种形成产生了深远的影响。 (c)2005 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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