首页> 外文期刊>BMC Evolutionary Biology >Testing comparative phylogeographic models of marine vicariance and dispersal using a hierarchical Bayesian approach

Testing comparative phylogeographic models of marine vicariance and dispersal using a hierarchical Bayesian approach




Background Marine allopatric speciation is an enigma because pelagic larval dispersal can potentially connect disjunct populations thereby preventing reproductive and morphological divergence. Here we present a new hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation model (HABC) that tests two hypotheses of marine allopatric speciation: 1.) "soft vicariance", where a speciation involves fragmentation of a large widespread ancestral species range that was previously connected by long distance gene flow; and 2.) peripatric colonization, where speciations in peripheral archipelagos emerge from sweepstakes colonizations from central source regions. The HABC approach analyzes all the phylogeographic datasets at once in order to make across taxon-pair inferences about biogeographic processes while explicitly allowing for uncertainty in the demographic differences within each taxon-pair. Our method uses comparative phylogeographic data that consists of single locus mtDNA sequences from multiple co-distributed taxa containing pairs of central and peripheral populations. We use the method on two comparative phylogeographic data sets consisting of cowrie gastropod endemics co-distributed in the Hawaiian (11 taxon-pairs) and Marquesan archipelagos (7 taxon-pairs). Results Given the Marquesan data, we find strong evidence of simultaneous colonization across all seven cowrie gastropod endemics co-distributed in the Marquesas. In contrast, the lower sample sizes in the Hawaiian data lead to greater uncertainty associated with the Hawaiian estimates. Although, the hyper-parameter estimates point to soft vicariance in a subset of the 11 Hawaiian taxon-pairs, the hyper-prior and hyper-posterior are too similar to make a definitive conclusion. Both results are not inconsistent with what is known about the geologic history of the archipelagos. Simulations verify that our method can successfully distinguish these two histories across a wide range of conditions given sufficient sampling. Conclusion Although soft vicariance and colonization are likely to produce similar genetic patterns when a single taxon-pair is used, our hierarchical Bayesian model can potentially detect if either history is a dominant process across co-distributed taxon-pairs. As comparative phylogeographic datasets grow to include > 100 co-distributed taxon-pairs, the HABC approach will be well suited to dissect temporal patterns in community assembly and evolution, thereby providing a bridge linking comparative phylogeography with community ecology.
机译:背景海洋异相物种形成是一个谜,因为上层幼虫的散布可能将分离的种群连接在一起,从而阻止了繁殖和形态上的分化。在这里,我们介绍了一个新的近似贝叶斯分层计算模型(HABC),该模型测试了海洋同种异体物种形成的两个假设:1.)“软变异”,其中物种形成涉及以前由长距离基因连接的较大的广泛祖先物种范围的碎片化流; 2.)沿周定殖,外围群岛的物种从中央来源地区的抽奖定殖中出现。 HABC方法可立即分析所有植物地理数据集,以便对生物地理过程的分类对进行推断,同时明确允许每个分类对内的人口统计学差异具有不确定性。我们的方法使用了比较性的地貌学数据,该数据由来自多个共同分布的类群的单个位点mtDNA序列组成,这些类群包含成对的中央和周边种群。我们在两个比较的植物地理学数据集上使用了该方法,这两个数据集分别分布在夏威夷(11个分类群)和马尔克斯桑群岛(7个分类群)中。结果根据Marquesan的数据,我们发现在Marquesas中共同分布的所有7种腹足纲腹足动物的同时定植的有力证据。相反,夏威夷数据中的样本量越小,与夏威夷估计相关的不确定性就越大。尽管超参数估计值表明11个夏威夷分类单元对的子集具有柔和的变异性,但超优先级和超后验过于相似,无法得出明确的结论。两种结果均与已知群岛的地质历史并不矛盾。仿真证明,只要有足够的采样,我们的方法就可以在很宽的条件下成功地区分这两种历史。结论尽管使用单个分类单元对时软变异和定居可能会产生相似的遗传模式,但是我们的分级贝叶斯模型可以潜在地检测出任一历史是否是跨共分布分类单元对的主导过程。随着比较性植物学数据集的增长,包括> 100个共同分布的分类单元对,HABC方法将非常适合于剖析社区组装和进化中的时间模式,从而提供了将比较性植物学与社区生态联系起来的桥梁。



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