首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Phylogeny of sharks of the family Triakidae (Carcharhiniformes) and its implications for the evolution of carcharhiniform placental viviparity

Phylogeny of sharks of the family Triakidae (Carcharhiniformes) and its implications for the evolution of carcharhiniform placental viviparity


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We present a study of inter- and intra-familial relationships of the carcharhiniform shark family Triakidae aimed at testing existing hypotheses of relationships for this group and at improving understanding of the evolution of reproductive traits in elasmobranchs. Our analyses and conclusions are based on evidence from DNA sequences of four protein-coding genes (three from the mitochondrial genome land a single copy nuclear gene) from eight of the nine genera and 20 of the 39 species currently assigned to the Triakidae. The sequence data offer strong support for the following previously proposed triakid clades: Galeorhinini (Hypogaleus + Galeorhinus); a subset of the lagini (Furgaleus + Hemitriakis but not Iago); and part of the Triakinae (Mustelus, Scylliogaleus and part of Triakis). Interestingly, the molecular data provide considerable evidence of paraphyly of the genera Triakis and Mustelus. Our results suggest that the subgenera Triakis and Cazon of Triakis represent two distinct lineages that are only distantly related and that the genus Mustelus as currently defined does not constitute a monophyletic assemblage unless S. quecketti and some species of Triakis (subgenus Cazon) are included in Mustelus. Within our sample of species of Mustelus (including Cazon and Scylliogaleus), the sequence data support two well-defined clades that can be diagnosed by mode of reproduction (placental vs. aplacental species). The phylogenetic framework presented here is used to infer key events in the evolution and loss of placental viviparity among carcharhiniform sharks. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:我们目前对鲨鱼科鲨科Triakidae的家族间和家族内关系进行研究,旨在检验该群体现有的关系假说,并增进对弹性分支中生殖性状进化的理解。我们的分析和结论基于证据,这些证据来自9个属中的8个属和目前分配给Triakidae的39个属中的20个中的四个蛋白质编码基因的DNA序列(线粒体基因组中的三个具有单拷贝核基因)。序列数据为以下先前提出的三叠纪进化枝提供了有力的支持:Galeorhinini(Hypogaleus + Galeorhinus);拉吉尼的一部分(Furgaleus + Hemitriakis,但不是Iago);和Triakinae的一部分(Mustelus,Scylliogaleus和Triakis的一部分)。有趣的是,分子数据为Triakis和Mustelus属的附生植物提供了大量证据。我们的结果表明,Triakis亚属和Triakis的Cazon代表两个仅远缘相关的不同世系,除非当前包括的S. quecketti和Triakis的某些物种(Cazon亚属),否则当前定义的Mustelus属不构成单系组合。鼬。在我们的鼬类物种样本中(包括Cazon和Scylliogaleus),序列数据支持两个定义明确的进化枝,可以通过繁殖方式(胎盘与胎盘物种)进行诊断。此处介绍的系统发育框架可用于推断鲨鱼类鲨鱼的胎盘胎生演化和丧失中的关键事件。 (c)2006 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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