首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Phylogenetic incongruence in the Drosophila melanogaster species group

Phylogenetic incongruence in the Drosophila melanogaster species group


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Drosophila melanogaster and its close relatives are used extensively in comparative biology. Despite the importance of phylogenetic information for such studies, relationships between some melanogaster species group members are unclear due to conflicting phylogenetic signals at different loci. In this study, we use twelve nuclear loci (eleven coding and one non-coding) to assess the degree of phylogenetic incongruence in this model system. We focus on two nodes: (1) the node joining the Drosophila erecta–Drosophila orena, Drosophila melanogaster–Drosophila simulans, and Drosophila yakuba–Drosophila teissieri lineages, and (2) the node joining the lineages leading to the melanogaster, takahashii, and eugracilis subgroups. We find limited evidence for incongruence at the first node; our data, as well as those of several previous studies, strongly support monophyly of a clade consisting of D. erecta–D. orena and D. yakuba–D. teissieri. By contrast, using likelihood based tests of congruence, we find robust evidence for topological incongruence at the second node. Different loci support different relationships among the melanogaster, takahashii, and eugracilis subgroups, and the observed incongruence is not easily attributable to homoplasy, non-equilibrium base composition, or positive selection on a subset of loci. We argue that lineage sorting in the common ancestor of these three subgroups is the most plausible explanation for our observations. Such lineage sorting may lead to biased estimation of tree topology and evolutionary rates, and may confound inferences of positive selection.
机译:果蝇及其近亲广泛用于比较生物学。尽管系统发育信息对于此类研究非常重要,但由于不同基因座上的系统发生信号相互冲突,因此某些黑腹果蝇物种组成员之间的关系尚不清楚。在这项研究中,我们使用十二个核基因座(十一个编码和一个非编码)来评估此模型系统中的系统发生不一致的程度。我们关注两个节点:(1)连接果蝇果蝇-果蝇,果蝇果蝇-果蝇类似物和果蝇yakuba-果蝇teissieri血统的节点,以及(2)连接通往黑果蝇,高果和血统的节点。杜仲组。我们发现在第一节点上不一致的证据;我们的数据以及先前的一些研究数据,都强烈支持由直立D. D.组成的进化枝的单亲性。 Orena和D. yakuba–D。 teissieri。相比之下,使用基于似然的一致性检验,我们找到了第二节点拓扑不一致的有力证据。不同的基因座支持黑色素瘤,高桥和杜仲子群之间的不同关系,并且观察到的不一致之处不易归因于同质异型,非平衡碱基组成或基因座子集上的阳性选择。我们认为这三个亚组的共同祖先中的谱系排序是我们观察的最合理的解释。这种谱系排序可能导致树形拓扑结构和进化速率的估计偏差,并可能混淆肯定选择的推论。



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