首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Systematic, taxonomic and biogeographic relationships of Argentine flat oysters

Systematic, taxonomic and biogeographic relationships of Argentine flat oysters


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During the early 19th century, two gifted young European naturalists documented South American biodiversity as participants in separate voyages of discovery. Thanks to the fame generated by his subsequent theory of evolution (Darwin, 1859), Charles Darwin’s formative voyage aboard the HMS Beagle (1831–36) has long overshadowed that of his French contemporary Alcide Dessalines d’Orbigny on the corvette La Meuse (1826–33). However, d’Orbigny was arguably the more prolific collector and documented his prodigious South American work in 11 volumes of publications, a substantial fraction of which dealt with molluscs (d’Orbigny, 1834–1847). Our study focuses on the systematic, taxonomic and biogeographic affinities of two South American Atlantic coast flat oysters that he collected and described: Ostrea puelchana d’Orbigny, 1842 and O. spreta d’Orbigny, 1846.
机译:在19世纪初期,两位有天赋的欧洲年轻自然主义者记录了南美生物多样性,它们分别参加了发现之旅。多亏了后来的进化论(达尔文,1859年)而声名,起,查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)在BMS小猎犬号(1831–36)上的形成航行远不及他的法国当代Alcide Dessalines d'Orbigny在护卫舰La Meuse(1826)上的表现。 –33)。但是,可以说d'Orbigny是一位多产的收藏家,他在11册出版物中记录了他在南美的杰出作品,其中很大一部分涉及软体动物(d'Orbigny,1834年至1847年)。我们的研究重点是他收集并描述的两只南美大西洋沿岸牡蛎的系统,分类和生物地理亲和力:Ostrea puelchana d'Orbigny(1842年)和O. spreta d'Orbigny(1846年)。



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