首页> 外文期刊>Cardiology >Atypical ST Segment Elevation and Ventricular Fibrillation without Structural Heart Disease: A New Electrocardiographic Presentation of a Channelopathy?

Atypical ST Segment Elevation and Ventricular Fibrillation without Structural Heart Disease: A New Electrocardiographic Presentation of a Channelopathy?


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Primary electrical syndromes are a group of rare inherited diseases that predispose to arrhythmias in the absence of structural abnormalities of the heart, and are associated with several ion channel mutations. Extrinsic factors, such as fever, may contribute to the development of electrical instabil-ity in these patients. We report the case of a 52-year-old patient who was admitted for syncope and had an in-hospital episode of ventricular fibrillation, who presented with an admission ECG showing marked precordial ST segment elevation (maximum 5 mm in V2). The patient did not have structural heart disease and during the hospital stay there was progressive ST segment normalization, with features suggestive of Brugada pattern. An automated defibrillator was implanted for secondary prevention of sudden cardiac arrest. We believe that these findings may represent a new form of presentation of a genetic electrical syndrome.
机译:原发性电综合症是一类罕见的遗传性疾病,在没有心脏结构异常的情况下易患心律不齐,并伴有几种离子通道突变。外在因素,例如发烧,可能会导致这些患者发生电不稳定。我们报道了一例52岁的患者,该患者因晕厥入院并在院内发生心室颤动,并出现入院心电图,显示心前区ST段抬高(V2最多5 mm)。该患者没有结构性心脏病,在住院期间出现了进行性ST段正常化,提示Brugada模式。植入了自动除颤器,用于二级预防心脏骤停。我们相信,这些发现可能代表了遗传电综合症的一种新的表现形式。



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