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GeoSymbio: A hybrid, cloud-based web application of global geospatial bioinformatics and ecoinformatics for Symbiodinium-host symbioses


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The genus Symbiodinium encompasses a group of unicellular, photosynthetic dinoflagellates that are found free living or in hospite with a wide range of marine invertebrate hosts including scleractinian corals. We present GeoSymbio, a hybrid web application that provides an online, easy to use and freely accessible interface for users to discover, explore and utilize global geospatial bioinformatic and ecoinformatic data on Symbiodinium-host symbioses. The novelty of this application lies in the combination of a variety of query and visualization tools, including dynamic searchable maps, data tables with filter and grouping functions, and interactive charts that summarize the data. Importantly, this application is hosted remotely or 'in the cloud' using Google Apps, and therefore does not require any specialty GIS, web programming or data programming expertise from the user. The current version of the application utilizes Symbiodinium data based on the ITS2 genetic marker from PCR-based techniques, including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, sequencing and cloning of specimens collected during 1982-2010. All data elements of the application are also downloadable as spatial files, tables and nucleic acid sequence files in common formats for desktop analysis. The application provides a unique tool set to facilitate research on the basic biology of Symbiodinium and expedite new insights into their ecology, biogeography and evolution in the face of a changing global climate. GeoSymbio can be accessed at https://sites.google.com/site/geosymbio/.
机译:共生菌属(Symbiodinium)包括一组单细胞的光合藻鞭毛体,它们可以自由生活或在医院中生活,并拥有多种海洋无脊椎动物宿主,包括巩膜珊瑚。我们介绍了GeoSymbio,这是一个混合网络应用程序,可为用户提供在线,易于使用且可自由访问的界面,以发现,探索和利用Symbiodinium宿主共生体上的全球地理空间生物信息学和生态信息学数据。该应用程序的新颖性在于多种查询和可视化工具的组合,包括动态可搜索地图,具有过滤器和分组功能的数据表以及汇总数据的交互式图表。重要的是,此应用程序是使用Google Apps远程托管或“在云中”托管的,因此不需要用户提供任何专业的GIS,Web编程或数据编程专业知识。当前版本的应用程序利用基于PCR技术的ITS2遗传标记建立的Symbiodinium数据,包括变性梯度凝胶电泳,测序和克隆1982-2010年收集的标本。该应用程序的所有数据元素也可以以通用格式下载为空间文件,表格和核酸序列文件,以进行桌面分析。该应用程序提供了一套独特的工具集,可促进对Symbiodinium基本生物学的研究,并在面对全球气候变化的情况下加快对其生态学,生物地理学和进化的新见解。可以通过https://sites.google.com/site/geosymbio/访问GeoSymbio。



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