首页> 外文期刊>Molecular ecology >Microsatellite variation and differentiation in African and non-African populations of Drosophila simulans

Microsatellite variation and differentiation in African and non-African populations of Drosophila simulans


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Drosophila simulans originated in sub-Saharan Africa or Madagascar and colonized the rest of the world after the last glaciation about 10 000 years ago. Consistent with this demographic history, sub-Saharan African populations have been shown to harbour higher levels of microsatellite and sequence variation than cosmopolitan populations. Nevertheless, only limited information is available on the population structure of D. simulans. Here, we analysed X-linked and autosomal microsatellite loci in four sub-Saharan African, one North African, one Israeli, and two European D. simulans populations. Bayesian clustering algorithms combined the North African, Israeli, and European populations into a single cosmopolitan group. The four sub-Saharan populations were split into two separate groups. Pairwise F-ST analysis, however, indicated significant population differentiation between all eight populations surveyed. A significant signal for population reduction in cosmopolitan populations was found only for X-linked loci.
机译:果蝇模拟物起源于撒哈拉以南非洲或马达加斯加,并在大约一万年前的最后一次冰川消融后殖民了世界其他地区。与这一人口统计学历史相一致,撒哈拉以南非洲地区的人类微卫星和序列变异水平高于国际人群。然而,关于拟杆菌的种群结构只有有限的信息。在这里,我们分析了四个撒哈拉以南非洲,一个北非,一个以色列和两个欧洲D. simulans种群的X连锁和常染色体微卫星基因座。贝叶斯聚类算法将北非,以色列和欧洲人口合并为一个大都会群体。撒哈拉以南的四个人口分为两个单独的群体。然而,成对的F-ST分析表明,在所调查的全部八个人口之间,人口差异显着。仅对于X连锁基因座,发现了世界性人口减少的重要信号。



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