首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology reports >Construction of cDNA library and preliminary analysis of expressed sequence tags from green microalga Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda

Construction of cDNA library and preliminary analysis of expressed sequence tags from green microalga Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda


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Green microalga Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda is a fast growing alga which produces appreciable amount of carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the construction of cDNA library and preliminary analysis of ESTs for this species. The titers of the primary and amplified cDNA libraries were 1.1 c 10e and 6.0 c 10# pfu/ml respectively. The percentage of recombinants was 97% in the primary library and a total of 337 out of 415 original cDNA clones selected randomly contained inserts ranging from 600 to 1,500 bps. A total of 201 individual ESTs with sizes ranging from 390 to 1,038 bps were then analyzed and the BLASTX score revealed that 35.8% of the sequences were classified as strong match, 38.3% as nominal and 25.9% as weak match. Among the ESTs with known putative function, 21.4% of them were found to be related to gene expression, 14.4% ESTs to photosynthesis, 10.9% ESTs to metabolism, 5.5% ESTs to miscellaneous, 2.0% to stress response, and the remaining 45.8% were classified as novel genes. Analysis of ESTs described in this paper can be an effective approach to isolate and characterize new genes from A. convolutus and thus the sequences obtained represented a significant contribution to the extensive database of sequences from green microalgae.
机译:绿色微藻类卷积线虫是一种快速生长的藻类,可产生大量的类胡萝卜素和多不饱和脂肪酸。据我们所知,这是关于该物种cDNA文库的构建和EST的初步分析的第一份报告。初级和扩增cDNA文库的滴度分别为1.1 c 10e和6.0 c 10#pfu / ml。初级文库中重组子的百分比为97%,在随机选择的415个原始cDNA克隆中,共有337个337个克隆包含600至1,500 bps的插入片段。然后分析了总共201个单个EST,大小从390到1,038 bps,BLASTX得分显示35.8%的序列被归类为强匹配,标称值为38.3%,弱匹配为25.9%。在具有已知推定功能的EST中,发现21.4%与基因表达有关,与光合作用相关的EST为14.4%,与代谢相关的EST为10.9%,与其他代谢有关的EST为5.5%,与应激反应有关的EST为2.0%,其余为45.8%。被归类为新基因。本文描述的EST的分析可能是一种从卷积曲霉中分离和鉴定新基因的有效方法,因此获得的序列对绿色微藻序列的广泛数据库有重要贡献。



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