
Exploring Students' Conception and Expectations of Achievement in Physical Education


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Achievement in a domain is normally defined by the experts within the curricula. This exploratory study reported student conception of achievement in physical education, attempting to address two questions: (1) what do students expect to achieve and (2) how do students view the achievement in physical education. Students (N = 48) purposefully selected from seven classes participated in the study. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from three sources: curriculum documents, observation, and cognitive interviews with a ranking task sheet (Willis & Schechter, 1997). Student rankings were analyzed descriptively. The interview, observation notes, and documents were analyzed using constant comparison (Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Students reported multiple conceptions of achievement, and each achievement statement was ranked the highest by certain students. Overall, trying to stay in shape and having fun were rated the highest expected achievements by students in physical education. This finding provides insights on student conception of achievement yet creates a dilemma on the evaluation of achievement.
机译:领域中的成就通常由课程内的专家定义。这项探索性研究报告了学生在体育方面的成就概念,试图解决两个问题:(1)学生期望达到什么目标;(2)学生如何看待体育成就。故意从七个班级中选出的学生(N = 48)参加了研究。定性和定量数据是从三个来源收集的:课程文件,观察和具有排名任务表的认知访谈(Willis&Schechter,1997)。对学生排名进行描述性分析。访谈,观察笔记和文件均采用持续比较的方法进行了分析(Strauss&Corbin,1998)。学生报告了多个成就概念,并且每个成就陈述在某些学生中排名最高。总体而言,在体育教育中,尝试保持体形和娱乐性是最高的预期成绩。这一发现提供了关于学生成就概念的见解,但在成就评估方面却产生了难题。



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