首页> 外文期刊>Modern Power Systems: Communicating Power Technology Worldwide >Dark days for San Onofre: Excessive tube wear in newly replaced steam generators has kept SONGS 2 and 3 offline since January

Dark days for San Onofre: Excessive tube wear in newly replaced steam generators has kept SONGS 2 and 3 offline since January

机译:San Onofre的黑暗日子:自一月以来,新更换的蒸汽发生器的管道过度磨损使SONGS 2和3脱机

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Replacement power costs and difficult questions are beginning to stack up at San Onfore Generating Station (SONGS) 2 and 3, which have been out of service since January and remain so pending resolution of steam generator tube wear problems. Particularly embarrassing is that the problems have arisen in newly replaced steam generators. Steam generator reliability has been a major issue for pressurised water reactors over the years - making initial claims that they would have a service life of 40 years now look laughable. Judging by the experience at San Onofre there are still important lessons to be taken on board.
机译:San Onfore发电站(SONGS)2和3的替代电力成本和棘手的问题开始堆积起来,它们自1月以来就已经停止使用,并且仍在等待蒸汽发生器管磨损问题的解决。特别令人尴尬的是,在新更换的蒸汽发生器中出现了问题。多年来,蒸汽发生器的可靠性一直是压水堆的主要问题-最初声称它们的使用寿命为40年,现在看来可笑。从San Onofre的经验来看,仍有一些重要的经验教训值得借鉴。



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