首页> 外文期刊>Model Engineer >Nemett looks at another of the Model Engineer Exhibition I/C engine collections, comments on coils, 3D CAD, and introduces a new twin-cylinder engine design

Nemett looks at another of the Model Engineer Exhibition I/C engine collections, comments on coils, 3D CAD, and introduces a new twin-cylinder engine design

机译:Nemett参观了模型工程师展览会的另一个I / C发动机系列,对线圈,3D CAD进行了评论,并介绍了一种新的双缸发动机设计

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I will start this time by looking at another of the I/C engine collections from the exhibition, this time the fabulous motorcycle engines by Bill Connor. Bill's engines have featured regularly in this column and he had brought the motor cycle engines from his collection for visitors to admire. The first engine is the 1:2 scale single-cylinder Matchless G50 racing engine (photos 1 and 2). The scale chosen by Bill gives a capacity of 50cc. The engine has a compression ratio of approximately 10:1 and features roller main and big end bearings. A speed of 10,300rpm has been achieved on four-star petrol and Castrol R oil.
机译:这次,我将从展览中的另一个I / C发动机系列开始,这次是Bill Connor出色的摩托车发动机。比尔的发动机经常出现在该专栏中,他将自己收藏的摩托车发动机带给参观者欣赏。第一个引擎是1:2比例的单缸Matchless G50赛车引擎(照片1和2)。 Bill选择的秤的容量为50cc。发动机的压缩比约为10:1,并带有滚子主轴承和大端轴承。四星级汽油和嘉实多R油已达到10,300rpm的速度。



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