首页> 外文期刊>Military Medicine: Official Journal of AMSUS, The Society of the Federal Health Agencies >'Uncoverage' of the humeral head by the anterolateral acromion and its relationship to full-thickness rotator cuff tears.

'Uncoverage' of the humeral head by the anterolateral acromion and its relationship to full-thickness rotator cuff tears.


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The relationship between the humeral head and the anterolateral acromion was compared for subjects with and without full-thickness rotator cuff tears, as indicated by magnetic resonance imaging, using a case-control design. "Uncoverage" of the humeral head by the anterolateral acromion was defined as the percentage of the humeral head width not covered superiorly by the anterolateral acromion, as measured digitally on magnetic resonance imaging scans of the shoulder in the oblique coronal plane. The uncoverage of the humeral head by the anterolateral acromion was 32.0% for men > or = 40 years of age with normal rotator cuffs (n = 39) and 38.2% for men > or 40 years of age with full-thickness rotator cuff tears (n difference in uncoverage of 6.2% was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The uncoverage of the humeral head by the anterolateral acromion was 36.1% for women > or = 40 years of age with normal rotator cuffs (n = 10) and 41.8% for women > or = 40 years of age with full-thickness rotator cufftears (n = 17). The difference in uncoverage of 5.72% was not statistically significant with the number of subjects available (p = 0.108). We concluded that increased uncoverage of the humeral head by the anterolateral acromion may be a factor in the pathogenesis of full-thickness rotator cuff tears.
机译:使用病例对照设计,比较了有和没有全厚度肩袖撕裂的受试者的肱骨头和前外侧肩峰之间的关系,如磁共振成像所示。在前额肩部磁共振成像扫描中以数字方式测量时,前肩峰“未覆盖”肱骨头的定义是未被前肩峰覆盖的肱骨头宽度的百分比。年龄≥40岁且具有正常肩袖的男性(n = 39),前外侧肩峰未覆盖肱骨头的比例为32.0%,年龄≥40岁且有完整肩袖撕裂的男性,其肱骨头的覆盖率为38.2%(≥40岁)。 n的未覆盖差异为6.2%,具有统计学意义(p <0.001)。≥60岁且肩袖固定的女性(n = 10),前外侧肩峰未覆盖肱骨头的比例为36.1%(41%)。对于≥40岁且具有全厚度肩袖的妇女(n = 17),未覆盖率的差异为5.72%,与可用受试者的人数无统计学意义(p = 0.108)。肩峰前侧的肱骨头可能是全厚度肩袖撕裂的病因。



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