首页> 外文期刊>Military Medicine: Official Journal of AMSUS, The Society of the Federal Health Agencies >Injuries caused by parachute risers during foreign military parachuting.

Injuries caused by parachute risers during foreign military parachuting.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective was to study the injuries from the deployment of military parachutes when parachuting with foreign armies. METHODS: The number and nature of injuries sustained while military parachuting with domestic and foreign parachute systems and techniques was compared. RESULTS: Of a total of 370 parachutists, 41 (11.1%) suffered minor injuries following two descents on the British parachute, 20 (5.4%) of these were classified as riser injuries. Thirty-eight (25.9%) of 147 British parachutists sustained riser injuries following two descents with the French parachute. Thirty-four (89.5%) of these injuries were minor posterior-auricular bruises and abrasions not requiring treatment. Four (10.5%) were extensive posterior-auricular abrasions that required treatment. Two soldiers (5.3%) suffered lacerations of the attachment of the pinna to the head. There were no riser injuries and no other injuries when the soldiers parachuted with their own countries parachutes in the proceeding two descents. CONCLUSION: Failure to adhere to drills led to injuries with foreign parachute systems.



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