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An Overview of the AIFMD for US Investment Managers


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Beyond simply developing AIFMD-compliant marketing strategies that target EU-domiciled investors, US AIFMs should be vigilant regarding how additional, non-marketing obligations under the AIFMD may develop over time. ESMA continues to collect information regarding how the Directive has been transposed into Member States' laws, and in relation to Member States' experience in interpreting and enforcing their respective NPPRs. In addition, ESMA is required to continue to report on the use of the AIFMD's marketing passport, and, in 2018, to provide the EU Parliament, Council and Commission with an opinion on, among other topics, the use of the passport by non-EU AIFMs. Depending on the content of that opinion, the EU could conclude that Member State NPPRs should be phased out entirely. If those private placement regimes were abolished, possibly through the adoption of a pan-EU regulation, the ability of a US AIFM to rely on having to satisfy only minimal registration requirements in a particular Member State, or on an exemption from registration entirely, might be eliminated. With this outcome, a US AIFM would have little choice but to register in a Member State, and comply with all AIF- and AIFM-related obligations under that jurisdiction's laws, to support any marketing of an AIF's securities to an EU investor. Until that time, however, and unless and until the benefits of the marketing passport are extended to include US AIFMs, these investment advisers will be required to comply with the NPPR for each of the Member States in which the US AIFM seeks to raise new or additional investor capital.
机译:除了简单地制定针对符合欧盟要求的投资者的符合AIFMD的营销策略外,美国AIFM还应保持警惕,了解随着时间的推移AIFMD可能会产生更多的非营销义务。 ESMA继续收集有关该指令如何被转化为成员国法律以及与成员国在解释和执行其各自的NPPR方面的经验有关的信息。此外,要求ESMA继续报告AIFMD的行销护照的使用情况,并在2018年就其他事项向欧盟议会,理事会和委员会提供意见,包括欧盟AIFM。根据该意见的内容,欧盟可以得出结论,应完全淘汰成员国的NPPR。如果这些私募配售制度被取消,可能是通过采用泛欧盟法规,那么美国AIFM依靠仅满足特定成员国最低注册要求或完全豁免注册的能力可能会被淘汰。有了这个结果,美国AIFM别无选择,只能在一个成员国中注册,并遵守该管辖区法律下与AIF和AIFM相关的所有义务,以支持AIF证券向欧盟投资者的任何营销。但是,在此之前,除非并且直到并且直到将行销通行证的利益扩展到包括美国AIFM为止,否则这些投资顾问将必须遵守美国AIFM寻求在其中筹集新资金或新资金的每个成员国的NPPR。额外的投资者资本。



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