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Field evaluation of the coal dust explosibility meter (CDEM)


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In underground mines, coal dust explosions are prevented by the addition of rock dust sufficient to render the coal dust inert. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a hand-held instrument that uses optical reflectance to measure the explosibility of a rock dust and coal dust mixture. This instrument is called the Coal Dust Explosibility Meter (CDEM). In this study, NIOSH personnel accompanied Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) inspectors on their routine band surveys in five underground coal mines in MSHA District 2 (Pennsylvania) and three underground coal mines in MSHA District 11 (Alabama). While underground, NIOSH personnel and MSHA inspectors used the CDEM to assess the explosibilities of the dust samples. The values of percent incombustible content (percent IC) determined by the CDEM agreed well with those obtained later by low-temperature ashing (LTA) in both MSHA and NIOSH laboratories. Further, the meter identified some samples as potentially explosible that LTA analysis had found to possess sufficient rock dust for inerting. The CDEM provides more information on the hazards in the mine. Rapid identification of areas with explosible dust mixtures using the CDEM allows for immediate intervention rather than a wait of several weeks for laboratory analysis.
机译:在地下矿井中,可通过添加足以使煤尘呈惰性的岩尘来防止煤尘爆炸。美国国家职业安全与健康研究所(NIOSH)开发了一种手持仪器,该仪器使用光反射率来测量岩粉和煤粉混合物的爆炸性。该仪器称为煤尘爆炸仪(CDEM)。在这项研究中,NIOSH人员陪同矿山安全与健康管理局(MSHA)的检查员对MSHA 2区(宾夕法尼亚州)的五个地下煤矿和MSHA 11区(阿拉巴马州)的三个地下煤矿进行了例行带状调查。在地下时,NIOSH人员和MSHA检查员使用CDEM评估了粉尘样品的爆炸性。 CDEM确定的不可燃含量百分比(IC百分比)值与MSHA和NIOSH实验室中后来通过低温灰化(LTA)获得的值非常吻合。此外,该仪表还确定了LTA分析发现具有足够惰性的岩屑的一些潜在爆炸性样品。 CDEM提供了有关矿井中危险的更多信息。使用CDEM可以快速识别具有爆炸性粉尘混合物的区域,从而可以立即进行干预,而无需等待几周的时间进行实验室分析。



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