首页> 外文期刊>Journal of seismology >Short note on the contribution of newspapers and periodicals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the discovery of new historical earthquakes in Algeria

Short note on the contribution of newspapers and periodicals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the discovery of new historical earthquakes in Algeria


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A great number of local newspapers and periodicals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries contributed to the survival of information related to the earthquakes that occurred in Algeria during those periods. These documents which often relay the information from official institutions provide fruitful seismological accounts allowing a sound reappraisal of Algeria seismicity in terms of the estimation of macroseismic parameters. A recent systematic documentation on the Algeria seismicity revealed the occurrence of more than 650 earthquakes that were not reported in the previous seismological compilations, from 1844 onward, despite their significant number. In this paper we provide a quick overview on the newspapers and periodicals that existed at that time and from which fruitful information were retrieved and focus on the most significant events that we newly found. A careful analysis of the historical records allowed the estimation of the intensity of these earthquakes, which globally ranges from V to VIII EMS. These new results augment the seismological knowledge in Algeria and will certainly have implications for seismic hazard assessment.
机译:19世纪和20世纪的大量地方报纸和期刊为这些时期阿尔及利亚发生的地震有关的信息的保存做出了贡献。这些文件经常转达来自官方机构的信息,提供了富有成效的地震学报告,使人们能够在估计宏观地震参数方面对阿尔及利亚的地震活动进行合理的重新评估。最近一份关于阿尔及利亚地震活动的系统文件显示,从1844年开始,发生了650多次地震,这些地震在以前的地震汇编中没有报告,尽管数量很多。在本文中,我们简要概述了当时存在的报纸和期刊,并从中检索了富有成效的信息,并重点介绍了我们新发现的最重要的事件。对历史记录的仔细分析可以估计这些地震的强度,全球范围从V到VIII EMS。这些新结果增强了阿尔及利亚的地震知识,肯定会对地震灾害评估产生影响。



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