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The Tan Lap Tourmaline Mine, Northern Vietnam


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The tourmaline that I held in my hand looked quite interesting. Guessing from the purplish color and previous analysis of tourmaline from northern Vietnam, I thought that it was possibly liddicoatite. I was sitting on the verandah of the house of my friend, Mr. Chuong in Luc Yen, northern Vietnam. He casually asked me if I would like to visit this new mine. Without hesitation, I accepted his offer and made a plan to meet him at his brother-in-law's house about 3:30 PM. The previous May, I had been invited to visit the newly opened Khai Trong tourmaline mine, located about 20 km west of Luc Yen. Situated in a remote tribal area, the mine was a surreal scene of chaos, with hundreds of people packed into a an area about 50 by 50 meters working a decomposed pegmatite and the alluvial gravels in what had once been a cornfield. Seven year old girls were digging with their bare hands in the alluvial gravels as bewildered 70 year-old Mon tribal ladies looked on in curiosity. Simple farming tools were used, along with shovels as the small pegmatite was quite decomposed and shattered when hit with a spade. The frenzy there had now subsided and I was interested in visiting a new site that held promise and one that had only been worked for seven weeks.
机译:我手里拿着的电气石看起来很有趣。根据紫红色的颜色和越南北部电气石的先前分析猜测,我认为这可能是利迪克蒙脱石。我当时坐在我朋友越南北部吕安县的Chuong先生家的阳台上。他随便问我是否要参观这个新矿。我毫不犹豫地接受了他的提议,并制定了一个计划,在下午3:30左右在他姐夫家见他。去年5月,我受邀参观了位于卢安(Luc Yen)以西约20公里处的新开的电气石碧玺矿。该矿位于偏远的部落地区,是一个超现实的混乱场面,数百人聚集在大约50 x 50米的区域内,在曾经是玉米田的一块腐烂的伟晶岩和冲积砾石中工作。七十岁的女孩正用裸露的双手在冲积砂砾中挖掘,当时困惑的70岁的Mon部落部落女士好奇地望着。使用了简单的耕作工具以及铲子,因为小伟晶石被铁锹击中后很容易分解并破碎。那里的狂热现在平息了,我有兴趣访问一个新的站点,该站点有望实现,而这个站点只工作了七个星期。



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