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A-type substitution in carbonated strontium fluor-, chlor- and hydroxylapatites


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Carbonated strontium fluor-, hydroxyl- and chlorapatites (carbonated Sr-10(PO4)(6)X-2 = CSrApX, where X= OH, Cl and F) were synthesized in aqueous solution. The substitution mode of carbonate was determined from infrared (IR) stretching frequencies for carbonate and from the variation in unit-cell axial lengths as a function of carbonate content. The a-axis lengths of CSrApF and CSrApCl decrease, whereas the a-axis length of CSrApOH increases slightly with increasing carbonate substitution. The carbonate IR stretching region from similar to 1390 to 1590 cm(-1) contains two doublets for both CSrApOH and CSrApCl, indicating the presence of both A- and B-type carbonate. The carbonate spectral region for CSrApF is reminiscent of that for CCaApF, which contains one doublet for B-type carbonate with a small shoulder attributable to A-type carbonate. Activity-based K-sp values (assuming B-type substitution) were determined for all three series of carbonated Sr apatites and show that the solubilities of CSrApOH and CSrApCl increase at higher carbonate values, whereas those of CSrApF stay constant. The K-sp values for uncarbonated SrApOH, SrApCl and SrApF were determined by extrapolation to zero percent carbonate (10(-120), 10(-112) and 10(-113) for SrApOH, SrApCl and SrApF, respectively).
机译:在水溶液中合成了碳酸锶锶的氟,羟基和氯磷灰石(碳酸锶Sr-10(PO4)(6)X-2 = CSrApX,其中X = OH,Cl和F)。碳酸盐的替代模式是根据碳酸盐的红外(IR)拉伸频率以及晶胞轴向长度随碳酸盐含量变化的变化确定的。 CSrApF和CSrApCl的a轴长度减小,而CSrApOH的a轴长度随着碳酸盐取代度的增加而略有增加。从类似于1390到1590 cm(-1)的碳酸盐IR拉伸区域包含CSrApOH和CSrApCl的两个双峰,表明同时存在A型和B型碳酸盐。 CSrApF的碳酸盐光谱区域让人想起CCaApF的碳酸盐光谱区域,CCaApF的碳酸盐光谱区域包含一个B型碳酸盐的双峰,而肩峰较小的可归因于A型碳酸盐。确定了所有三个系列的碳酸Sr磷灰石的基于活性的K-sp值(假设为B型取代),结果表明CSrApOH和CSrApCl的溶解度在较高的碳酸盐值时增加,而CSrApF的溶解度保持恒定。未碳酸化的SrApOH,SrApCl和SrApF的K-sp值是通过外推至碳酸盐含量为零来确定的(SrApOH,SrApCl和SrApF分别为10(-120),10(-112)和10(-113))。



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