首页> 外文期刊>Minerals Engineering >Production of high purity molybdenum compounds from a Cu-Mo acid-washed liquor using solvent extraction--Part 1: Laboratory studies

Production of high purity molybdenum compounds from a Cu-Mo acid-washed liquor using solvent extraction--Part 1: Laboratory studies


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Solvent extraction, using Alamine 304-1 for loading (extraction) and ammonia for stripping, was used for selectively recovering molybdenum from acid wash liquor produced by a Mo processing plant. The results showed that the extraction could be completed in 3 stages, using Alamine 304-1 as the extractant (10 percent , v/v in Anysol 150 diluent), with almost all the Mo(VI) recovered from an acidic sulfate wash liquor, containing 10-15 g/L Mo(Vi), 10g/L Cu(II) and 2g/L Fe(III), using an O/A volumetric ratio of 3:2. Using ammonia (12.5 percent , w/v), at an O/A ratio of 5:1, all the Mo(Vl) from an Alamine liquor containing 17.5 g/L Mo could be removed in one strip, yielding a solution with 87.0 g/L Mo(VI). High purity (>99.9 percent ) MoO_3 and CaMoO_4 were produced from this pure liquor via an intermediate hydrate precipitate (MoO_3 centre dot H_2O). The study also showed that understanding the stability and speciation of various soluble and solid Mo species are essential for the development of an efficient recovery process.
机译:溶剂萃取使用Alamine 304-1进行装载(萃取),并使用氨进行汽提,用于从Mo加工厂生产的酸洗液中选择性回收钼。结果表明,使用Alamine 304-1作为萃取剂(10%,在Anysol 150稀释剂中,v / v)可以分3个阶段完成萃取,几乎所有的Mo(VI)都是从酸性硫酸盐洗涤液中回收的,含有10-15 g / L Mo(Vi),10g / L Cu(II)和2g / L Fe(III),O / A体积比为3:2。使用氨(12.5%,w / v),以5:1的O / A比例,可以一次去除一条含有17.5 g / L Mo的Alamine溶液中的所有Mo(VI),得到87.0的溶液g / L Mo(VI)。通过中间水合物沉淀物(MoO_3中心点H_2O)从该纯净液中生产出高纯度(> 99.9%)的MoO_3和CaMoO_4。研究还表明,了解各种可溶性和固态Mo物种的稳定性和形态对于开发有效的回收工艺至关重要。



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