首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Surgical Oncology: The Journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology >No difference between lowest and highest volume hospitals in outcome after colorectal cancer surgery in the southern Netherlands

No difference between lowest and highest volume hospitals in outcome after colorectal cancer surgery in the southern Netherlands


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Aim To investigate the quality of surgical colorectal cancer (CRC) care in the southern Netherlands by evaluating differences between the five hospitals with the lowest volume and the five hospitals with the highest volume. Methods Patients who underwent resection for primary CRC diagnosed between 2008 and 2011 in southern Netherlands were included (n = 5655). The five hospitals performing 130 resections/year were classified 'low volume'; the five hospitals performing ≥130 resections/year 'high volume'. Differences in surgical approach, circumferential resection margins (CRM), anastomotic leakage and 30-day mortality between hospital volumes were analysed using Chi2 tests. Expected proportions anastomotic leakage and 30-day mortality were calculated using multivariable logistic regression. Crude 3-year survival was calculated using Kaplan-Meier curves. Cox regression was used to discriminate independent risk factors for death. Results 23% of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) diagnosed in a low volume centre was referred to a high volume centre. Patients with colon cancer underwent less laparoscopic surgery and less urgent surgery in low compared to high volume hospitals (10% versus 32%, p 0.0001, and 8% versus 11%, p = 0.003, respectively). For rectal cancer, rates of abdominoperineal resections versus low anterior resections, and CRM were not associated with hospital volume. Anastomotic leakage, 30-day mortality, and survival did not differ between hospital volumes. Conclusion In southern Netherlands, low volume hospitals deliver similar high quality surgical CRC care as high volume hospitals in terms of CRM, anastomotic leakage and survival, also after adjustment for casemix. However, this excludes LARC since a substantial proportion was referred to high volume hospitals.
机译:目的通过评估容量最小的五家医院和容量最大的五家医院之间的差异,来调查荷兰南部外科结直肠癌(CRC)护理的质量。方法纳入2008年至2011年在荷兰南部诊断为原发性CRC的患者(n = 5655)。每年执行<130次切除的五家医院被归类为“低容量”;每年执行≥130次切除的五家医院。使用Chi2测试分析了不同手术量之间在手术方式,环切缘(CRM),吻合口漏和30天死亡率方面的差异。使用多变量logistic回归计算了预期的吻合口漏出比例和30天死亡率。使用Kaplan-Meier曲线计算粗略的3年生存率。 Cox回归用于区分独立的死亡危险因素。结果在低容量中心诊断为局部晚期直肠癌(LARC)的患者中有23%被称为高容量中心。与高容量医院相比,结肠癌患者较少接受腹腔镜手术,而较少接受紧急外科手术(分别为10%比32%,p <0.0001; 8%和11%,p = 0.003)。对于直肠癌,腹部手术切除率与低位前切除率以及CRM均与医院规模无关。不同医院规模之间吻合口漏,30天死亡率和生存率没有差异。结论在荷兰南部,小规模医院在调整病例组合后,在CRM,吻合口漏出和生存方面也能提供与大批量医院类似的高质量CRC外科手术。但是,这不包括LARC,因为很大一部分是转诊给高容量医院的。


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