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Walter L. Pohl: Mineralische und Energie-Rohstoffe. Eine Einfiihrung zur Entstehung und nachhaltigen Nutzung von Lagerstatten

机译:Walter L. Pohl:矿物和能源原料。存款的创造和可持续利用简介

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This is the fifth and completely revised edition of the traditional "W. und W.E. Petrascheck's Lagerstattenlehre" which first came out in 1950 and quickly turned into a landmark textbook for German-speaking students of applied geology and mining engineeringwho needed basic and concise information on the geology and use of the full spectrum of raw materials. The concept dates back to lectures of the professors Wilhelm (1876-1967) and Walther Emil Petrascheck (1906-1991) held at the renowned mining universities in Breslau and Leobenrespectively. In the present editionWalter PohlProfessor (emeritus) of Applied Geology at the Technical University of BraunschweigGermanyslightly extended the format of the bookwhich now also covers environmental issues related to natural resources.
机译:这是传统的“ W. und WE Petrascheck的Lagerstattenlehre”的第五次完全修订版,该版本最早于1950年问世,并迅速成为具有地标性的教科书,供讲德语的应用地质和采矿工程专业的学生使用,他们需要基本而简洁的信息。地质和原料使用全谱。这个概念可以追溯到分别在布雷斯劳和莱奥本的著名矿业大学举行的威廉教授(1876-1967)和沃尔瑟·埃米尔·佩特拉克(Walther Emil Petrascheck)(1906-1991)的演讲。在本版中,德国不伦瑞克工业大学应用地质学的沃尔特·波尔教授(名誉教授)稍微扩展了本书的格式,该书现在还涵盖了与自然资源有关的环境问题。



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