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Seismic hazard assessment of Afghanistan


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Afghanistan is located at the collision boundary of the Indian, Eurasian and Arabian plates and, therefore, lies in a seismically active region. Few probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) studies have been carried out for Afghanistan, which present only peak ground acceleration (PGA) values. This study presents PGA and spectral acceleration (SA) values for 0.2 and 1.0s for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475years. The study adopts the Cornell (Bull Seismol Soc Am 58(5):1583-1606, 1968), McGuire (1976) approach for the PSHA and is based on an updated and homogenized earthquake catalogue consisting of 29,097 events greater than magnitude 4.0. Two declustering models, two seismic source models and four ground-motion prediction equations for shallow and deep earthquakes are used in this study. The PSHA results are combined using a logic tree approach with a total of 16 branches. The PGA and SA values for the different provinces of Afghanistan are obtained. The results are also shown as contour maps. The PGA values range from 0.06 to 0.66g, 0.09 to 0.82g and 0.13 to 1.10g for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475years, respectively. The PSHA yields higher PGA values for the Badakhshan, Kunduz Takhar and Kabul provinces, which lie in the northeastern part of country where active sources of the Hindukush and Pamir ranges are located. The hazard values obtained in this study are observed to be generally consistent with the study of Zhang et al. (Ann Geofis 42(6):1167-1190, 1999). In addition, a comparison of the current study with the hazard maps of the bordering countries generally shows consistent results.
机译:阿富汗位于印度、欧亚和阿拉伯板块的碰撞边界,因此位于地震活跃地区。对阿富汗进行的概率地震灾害分析(PSHA)研究很少,这些研究仅提供了峰值地面加速度(PGA)值。本研究提供了 0.2 和 1.0 秒的 PGA 和光谱加速度 (SA) 值,重现期为 475、975 和 2475 年。该研究采用康奈尔大学(Bull Seismol Soc Am 58(5):1583-1606,1968),McGuire(1976)方法进行PSHA,并基于更新和均质化的地震目录,其中包括29,097个大于4.0级的事件。本研究使用了2个去聚类模型、2个地震源模型和4个浅深地震的地震动预测方程。PSHA 结果使用逻辑树方法进行组合,共有 16 个分支。获得阿富汗不同省份的 PGA 和 SA 值。结果也显示为等值线图。PGA值范围为0.06至0.66g,0.09至0.82g和0.13至1.10g,重现期分别为475年,975年和2475年。PSHA为巴达赫尚省、昆都士塔哈尔省和喀布尔省提供了更高的PGA值,这些省份位于兴都库什山脉和帕米尔山脉的活跃源所在的该国东北部。本研究获得的危险值与Zhang等人的研究基本一致(Ann Geofis 42(6):1167-1190,1999)。此外,将目前的研究与邻国的危害地图进行比较,通常显示出一致的结果。



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