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How many kinds of sclerite? Towards a morphometric classification of gorgoniid microskeletal components


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Gorgoniid octocorals constitute a diverse group of organisms that inhabit a wide range of marine environments. The group is currently defined by the presence of calcareous sclerites that are less than 0.3 mm in length with regularly arranged warts. Generic and specific classification schemes are based on the presence/absence of different sclerite classes in the sampled specimen as well as the frequency in which each class occurs in the sample. Sclerite classification typically has been difficult because a continuum of sclerite forms is found within and between species. Thus, the use of sclerites for phylogenetic inference and classification is problematic. Herein, we present a methodology to obtain quantitative measurements of large numbers of sclerites and used finite mixture modeling to assess the number of statistically different sclerite classes present in the eastern Pacific octocoral genus Pacifigorgia. We also test the ability of simple neural classifiers (perceptrons) to sort sclerites into the classes traditionally used in octocoral taxonomy. This methodology can be used for other gorgoniids and can be further extended to include shape quantifiers for groups other than those studied here.
机译:Gorgoniid octocorals构成居住在广泛海洋环境中的多种生物。目前,该组的定义为钙质硬脂石的长度小于0.3毫米,并有规则排列的疣。通用和特定的分类方案是基于样本中是否存在不同的硬粒石以及样本中每种类别出现的频率。由于在物种内部和物种之间发现了连续的硬脂形式,硬脂分类通常很困难。因此,使用硬硅钙石进行系统发育推断和分类是有问题的。在这里,我们提出了一种方法,用于获得大量巩膜石的定量测量结果,并使用有限的混合物模型来评估东部太平洋八眼形Pacifigorgia属中存在统计学差异的硬藻类的数量。我们还测试了简单的神经分类器(感知器)将巩膜蛋白分类为传统上用于八叶分类法的类的能力。该方法可以用于其他蛇根类动物,并且可以进一步扩展以包括针对除此处研究的组以外的其他组的形状限定符。



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