
The great wall symposium


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The third Great Wall Symposium recently held in Paris, France, featured the latest advances in the field of peptidoglycan metabolism. We hosted two Keynote lectures by Kevin D. Young and Alexander Tomasz, as well as 24 speakers in six different sessions. The meeting attracted a great deal of interest from the scientific community, which has expanded dramatically in the last decade. The remerged interest in the field of peptidoglycan research occurred around the year 2000 with two important discoveries: (1) the characterization of bacterial cytoskeleton and their role in cell wall synthesis, and (2) the discovery of innate immune receptors in Drosophila (through peptidoglycan recognition proteins) and in mammals (through the Nod proteins) involved in sensing of peptidoglycan. As a consequence of the rediscovered interest in peptidoglycan by microbiologists, cell biologists, and immunologists, a first meeting exclusively focused on peptidoglycan research was organized in Baeza, Spain, October 4-6, 2010. This first small meeting answered the real need for a discussion platform of the peptidoglycan community, and a second meeting followed a year later in Lisbon, Portugal, September 28-30, 2011.
机译:最近在法国巴黎举行的第三届长城专题讨论会介绍了肽聚糖代谢领域的最新进展。我们主持了Kevin D. Young和Alexander Tomasz的两次主题演讲,以及六个不同会议的24位演讲者。这次会议吸引了科学界的极大兴趣,在过去十年中,科学界得到了极大的发展。在2000年左右,人们对肽聚糖研究领域重新产生了兴趣,其中有两个重要发现:(1)细菌细胞骨架的表征及其在细胞壁合成中的作用;(2)在果蝇中通过肽聚糖发现先天免疫受体识别蛋白)和哺乳动物(通过Nod蛋白)参与肽聚糖的传感。由于微生物学家,细胞生物学家和免疫学家重新发现了对肽聚糖的兴趣,因此于2010年10月4日至6日在西班牙巴埃扎组织了专门针对肽聚糖研究的第一次会议。肽聚糖社区的讨论平台,并于一年后于2011年9月28日至30日在葡萄牙里斯本举行了第二次会议。



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