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Neogene uplift and erosion in the Alpine Foreland Basin (Upper Austria and Salzburg)


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In the present paper we apply a multi-technique approach (shale compaction data, seismic stratigraphy, isopach maps, moisture content of lignite, fission track data) to assess timing and amount of uplift and erosion of the Alpine Foreland Basin. The combination of the different techniques allows us to discriminate the effects of two different erosion events during the Neogene: (1) Seismic stratigraphy and isopach maps indicate a Karpatian (Early Miocene) regional tilting of the basin to the west (slope of about 0.5 %) and a minor erosion phase. (2) Moisture content of lignite combined with fission track data provides evidence for extensive regional uplift after deposition of Late Miocene fluvial deposits. It is estimated that sediments, 500 to 900 m thick, have been eroded. Shale compaction data derived from sonic logs indicates additional uplift of the eastern part of the basin (near the river Enns). Here, 300 to 1000 m of sediments were additionally eroded (giving a total erosion of about 1000 to 1900 m!), with a general increase of erosion thickness towards the northeast. While the regional uplift is probably related to isostatic rebound of the Alps after termination of thrusting, the local uplift in the east could be affected by Late Neogene E-W compressional events within the Alpine-Pannonian system. Both, tilting and erosion influence the hydrocarbon habitat in the Molasse Basin (tilting of oil-water contacts, PVT conditions, biodegradation).
机译:在本文中,我们采用了多种技术方法(页岩压实数据,地震地层学,等渗线图,褐煤的水分含量,裂变径迹数据)来评估高山前陆盆地隆升和侵蚀的时间和数量。不同技术的组合使我们能够区分新近纪期间两个不同的侵蚀事件的影响:(1)地震地层和等渗线图表明盆地向西向Karpatian(早中新世)区域倾斜(坡度约为0.5%) )和较小的侵蚀阶段。 (2)褐煤的水分含量与裂变径迹数据相结合,为中新世晚期河床沉积后的区域隆升提供了证据。据估计,厚度为500至900 m的沉积物已被侵蚀。从声波测井得到的页岩压实数据表明该盆地东部(恩斯河附近)的进一步隆升。在这里,另外侵蚀了300至1000 m的沉积物(造成了约1000至1900 m!的总侵蚀),向东北方向的侵蚀厚度普遍增加。尽管区域性隆升可能与逆冲作用终止后阿尔卑斯山脉的等静回弹有关,但东部的局部隆升可能会受到阿尔卑斯山—潘诺尼系统中晚期新近纪E-W压缩事件的影响。倾斜和侵蚀都会影响Molasse盆地的碳氢化合物生境(油水接触的倾斜,PVT条件,生物降解)。



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