首页> 外文期刊>Cancer Cell >Hematopoietic stem cell expansion precedes the generation of committed myeloid leukemia-initiating cells in C/EBPalpha mutant AML.

Hematopoietic stem cell expansion precedes the generation of committed myeloid leukemia-initiating cells in C/EBPalpha mutant AML.

机译:在C / EBPalpha突变AML中,造血干细胞扩增先于定型骨髓白血病起始细胞的产生。

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We here use knockin mutagenesis in the mouse to model the spectrum of acquired CEBPA mutations in human acute myeloid leukemia. We find that C-terminal C/EBPalpha mutations increase the proliferation of long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) in a cell-intrinsic manner and override normal HSC homeostasis, leading to expansion of premalignant HSCs. However, such mutations impair myeloid programming of HSCs and block myeloid lineage commitment when homozygous. In contrast, N-terminal C/EBPalpha mutations are silent with regards to HSC expansion, but allow the formation of committed myeloid progenitors, the templates for leukemia-initiating cells. The combination of N- and C-terminal C/EBPalpha mutations incorporates both features, accelerating disease development and explaining the clinical prevalence of this configuration of CEBPA mutations.
机译:我们在这里使用敲入小鼠中的诱变来模拟人类急性髓细胞性白血病中获得性CEBPA突变的频谱。我们发现C端C / EBPalpha突变以细胞内在的方式增加了长期造血干细胞(LT-HSCs)的增殖,并覆盖了正常的HSC稳态,从而导致了恶变前HSC的扩展。但是,这种突变会损害HSC的髓样程序,并在纯合时阻止髓样谱系的发生。相比之下,N端C / EBPalpha突变在HSC扩增方面是沉默的,但允许形成定型的髓祖细胞,即白血病起始细胞的模板。 N端和C端C / EBPalpha突变的结合具有两个特征,可加速疾病的发展,并解释了CEBPA突变这种结构的临床流行性。



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