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The Lower Cretaceous Chanarcillo and Neuquen Andean basins: ammonoid biostratigraphy and correlations


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The Chanarcillo and Neuquen basins of the Central Andes shared a common geological history in the earlier part of the Early Cretaceous but from Barremian times onward their evolution began to diverge, probably due to an increasing activity of an intervening volcanic arc. The Berriasian to Lower Barremian sequences were mainly marine and include rich ammonoid faunas, with many taxa in common to both the basins. They include both Andean and near-pandemic forms, the latter providing some good correlation levels with the 'standard' Mediterranean sequence. Marine conditions persisted in the Chanarcillo Basin till Early Albian times; the associated ammonoid faunas include pandemic, Pacific and Antarctic genera. In contrast, in the Neuquen Basin evaporites and continental clastics of the Huitrin Formation mark the beginning of a long disconnection with the Pacific Ocean, though a short-lived marine incursion is represented by the carbonates of La Tosca Member of the Huitrin Formation. The ammonoid faunas of the two basins are compared here, and a detailed biostratigraphic division of the sequences is discussed and compared with the Mediterranean succession. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:中安第斯山脉中的Chanarcillo和Neuquen盆地在早白垩世早期具有共同的地质历史,但是从巴里米亚时代开始,它们的演化开始发生分歧,这可能是由于居间的火山弧活动增加所致。从Berriasian到Lower Barremian的序列主要是海洋的,并且包括丰富的类动物群落,这两个盆地都有许多类群。它们包括安第斯山脉和近乎大流行的形式,后者提供了与“标准”地中海序列的良好相关性。 Chanarcillo盆地的海洋条件一直持续到Albian早期。相关的动物群包括大流行,太平洋和南极属。相反,在内乌肯盆地,惠特林组的蒸发和大陆碎屑标志着与太平洋长期断连的开始,尽管短暂的海洋入侵以惠特林组的拉托斯卡碳酸盐为代表。这里比较了两个盆地的氨类动物区系,并讨论了该层序的详细生物地层划分并将其与地中海演替作了比较。版权所有(c)2007 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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