首页> 外文期刊>Geological Quarterly >Discovery of an earliest Triassic, post-extinction foraminiferal assemblage above the Permian-Triassic boundary, Strandzha nappes, north-west Turkey

Discovery of an earliest Triassic, post-extinction foraminiferal assemblage above the Permian-Triassic boundary, Strandzha nappes, north-west Turkey

机译:在土耳其西北部的Strandzha nappes上发现了最早的三叠纪-灭绝后的有孔虫组合

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A new foraminiferal fauna from Early Triassic (Induan) strata of the Caglayik section on the "Strandzha Massif, north-west Turkey, comprises five species precisely determined and five species in open nomenclature belonging to ten genera. They belong to the post-extinction foraminiferal assemblage of the Permian-Triassic crisis, characterized by the presence of both disaster taxa (Earlandia and Postcladella kalhori) and Lazarus taxa (Diplosphaerina inaequalis, ?Rectostipulina quadrata, Arenovidalina sp. and Glomospira sp.). The present study at Tutunliiktepe Formation identified for the first time the Permian foraminifers on the Strandzha Massif as relict members of a post-extinction foraminiferal assemblage.
机译:来自“西北土耳其斯特兰扎高原”卡加莱克断层早期三叠纪(印度)地层的有孔虫动物群,包括精确确定的5种和属于10属的开放命名的5种。它们属于灭绝后的有孔虫二叠纪-三叠纪危机的组合,其特征是同时存在灾害分类群(Earlandia和Postcladella kalhori)和拉撒路分类群(Diplosphaerina inaequalis,?Rectostipulina quadrata,Arenovidalina sp。和Glomospira sp。)。第一次出现在Strandzha断层上的二叠纪有孔虫是灭绝后有孔虫组合的遗迹成员。



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