首页> 外文期刊>Microbiological Research >Evaluation of arbitrarily primed PCR for typing of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strains

Evaluation of arbitrarily primed PCR for typing of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strains


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Arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) method vas applied to the differentiation of 15 (soil and intestinal) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strains. The primer M 13, which is a core sequence of phage M 13, was found to be appropriate for the differentiation of isolates of this species. The analysis revealed characteristic band patterns for all of the examined strains of which two soil strains (DV-7 and DV-8) showed identical DNA fingerprints. According to Jaccard's coefficient. the soil bacterial group as well as intestinal bacterial group formed two different clusters. Furthermore, the soil strains showed greater variability than the intestinal isolates. Based oil the AP-PCR fingerprints D. desulfuricans strains were differentiated depending on their origin. This study demonstrates that the typing method AP-PCR can be Useful in epidemiologic investigations as a rapid and valuable tool for differentiation of the strains of D. desulfuricans species.
机译:任意引发的聚合酶链反应(AP-PCR)方法应用于15种(土壤和肠道)脱硫弧菌脱硫尿菌株的分化。发现作为噬菌体M 13的核心序列的引物M 13适合于该物种的分离物的分化。分析揭示了所有检查菌株的特征谱带模式,其中两个土壤菌株(DV-7和DV-8)显示出相同的DNA指纹。根据雅卡德的系数。土壤细菌组和肠道细菌组形成两个不同的簇。此外,土壤菌株比肠道分离株表现出更大的变异性。基于油,AP-PCR指纹图谱的脱硫双歧杆菌菌株根据其来源进行了区分。这项研究表明,AP-PCR的分型方法可以作为一种快速而有价值的工具,用于区分脱硫尿链球菌的菌株,在流行病学研究中很有用。



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