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Chairman's Column--Meeting Sustainable Standards


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EMMA, the Expanded Metal Manufacturers Association, is a division of the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers, a Glen Ellyn, III.-based trade association representing manufacturers of a wide range of metal products used mainly in commercial and industrial building and construction. EMMA represents the majority of expanded metal manufacturers in North America with member companies located throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Current manufacturing members are as follows: Alabama Metal Industries Corp.,(AMICO), Birmingham, Ala.; Exmet Industries Inc., North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Expanded Solutions LLC, Oklahoma City; Fisher & Ludlow, Burlington, Ontario, Canada; New Metals Inc., Laredo, Texas; Niles Expanded Metals & Plastics, Niles, Ohio; Spantek Expanded Metal, Hopkins, Minn.; and the newest member, Midwest Expanded Metal Inc., Waconia, Minn.
机译:EMMA(扩展金属制造商协会)是美国建筑金属制造商协会的一个分支,该协会是位于III。Glen Ellyn的贸易协会,代表主要用于商业和工业建筑的多种金属产品的制造商。 EMMA代表了北美大多数金属网制造商,其成员公司遍布美国,加拿大和墨西哥。目前的制造成员如下:阿拉巴马州阿拉巴马州阿拉巴马金属工业公司(AMICO); Exmet Industries Inc.,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省北温哥华;俄克拉荷马城扩展解决方案有限责任公司; Fisher&Ludlow,加拿大安大略省伯灵顿;德克萨斯州拉雷多的New Metals Inc. Niles膨胀金属和塑料,俄亥俄州Niles;位于明尼苏达州霍普金斯市的Spantek金属网。最新成员是明尼苏达州瓦科尼亚市的Midwest Expanded Metal Inc.。



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