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MATERIAL MATCH/Metal panels used to unify school campus' newest buildings


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The Ponder Independent School District is growing and its campus is growing right along with it. In 2001, voters in the north Texas school district approved a 16 million dollars bond proposal to fund the construction of new elementary and administrative buildings on the school's campus. Those projects and a number of others have since been completed. Shiver + Associates Architects of Dallas, TX, designed both the elementary school and the administration building. They were completed in August 2004. The administration building cost 940,000 dollars to construct while the school was 8.57 million dollars. Given they are no more than a stone's throw from each other, it should come as no surprise that the two were designed to resemble one another. That was accomplished through the use of a number of materials, including metal.
机译:Ponder独立学区在不断发展,其校园也在随之发展。 2001年,得克萨斯州北部学区的选民批准了一项1600万美元的债券提案,以资助在学校校园内建设新的基础和行政大楼。这些项目以及其他一些项目已经完成。德克萨斯州达拉斯的Shiver + Associates Architects设计了小学和行政大楼。他们在2004年8月完成了。行政大楼花费了$ 940,000修建,当学校是$ 8.5百万时。鉴于它们彼此之间只有一箭之遥,所以两者的设计彼此相似就不足为奇了。这是通过使用多种材料(包括金属)来实现的。



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