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The mitotic spindle: a complex and dynamic intracellular machine.


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Diego Rivera's 1934 mural, Man at the Crossroads, depicts the great challenges and possibilities of the 20th century. Jutting from the center is a disembodied hand holding an orb containing a mi-totic spindle. Illustrations of a spindle-like arrangement of filaments surrounding the condensed chromosomes of mitotic cells first appear in scientific texts near the end of the 19th century and this structure has fascinated biologists (and some artists!) ever since [1,2]. We now know the spindle to be a macromolecular machine that uses microtubules (spindle fibers) to capture, move and segregate chromosomes into the daughter cell products of cell division. It is extraordinarily dynamic-both the spindle itself and chromosomes on it are in continuous motion-and this dynamism is central to its function [3].
机译:迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera)1934年的壁画《十字路口的人》描绘了20世纪的巨大挑战和可能性。从中心突出的是一只松散的手,握着一个装有丝光纺锤的球。围绕有丝分裂细胞的浓缩染色体的细丝状纺锤状排列的插图首先出现在19世纪末期的科学文献中,自从[1,2]以来,这种结构就使生物学家(和一些艺术家!)着迷。我们现在知道纺锤体是一种使用微管(纺锤状纤维)捕获,移动和分离染色体到细胞分裂子细胞产物中的大分子机器。它是异常动态的-纺锤体本身和其上的染色体都在连续运动-这种动力是其功能的核心[3]。



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