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Large Building Mass Softened By Curved Panels


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As a leading international producer of PVC piping components, Dura Plastics Products Inc. of Beaumont, CA, manufactures products seven days a week, nonstop. Still, it decided it would have to expand its facility to keep up with demand. The problem with this was production could not stop during construction. a customized pre-engineered metal building system was constructed over the existing plant. The new structure had 130' clear span beams. After the new building was completed, the original building was torn down form the inside. This created a new 208,000 sq. ft. facility. With the work stoppage problem addressed, the issue of building mass arose. The new structure was so large that the building team was concerned that it would intrude on the local landscape. To soften the lines of the building and provide an aesthetically-pleasing appearance, a double-curved mansard was suggested.
机译:作为国际领先的PVC管道组件生产商,加利福尼亚州博蒙特的Dura Plastics Products Inc.不间断地每周生产7天。尽管如此,它还是决定必须扩大其设施以适应需求。问题在于生产在施工期间无法停止。在现有工厂上建造了定制的预先设计的金属建筑系统。新结构具有130英尺净跨梁。新建筑物完工后,将原建筑物从内部拆除。这创造了一个新的208,000平方英尺的设施。解决了停工问题之后,出现了建筑质量问题。新结构太大,建筑团队担心它会侵入当地景观。为了柔化建筑物的线条并提供美观的外观,建议使用双重弯曲的斜面。



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