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Neurological symptoms, treatment and pathomorphology of primary and secondary metastatic brain neoplasm in dogs [Polish]


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The neurological symptoms, treatment and neuropathology of primary gliosarcoma in a 12-year-old dog and carcinoma tubulare mammae, with secondary lung and brain metastases in a 7-year-old dog were presented. The primary CNS tumor was pinkish-white, soft, with a large (2.5 x 1.3 cm.) diameter, located in the subarachnoid space of the brain stem. Histological examination revealed a mixed character of the tumor (glio-mesenchymal) resembling gliosarcoma. This CNS tumor is associated with neurological symptoms and epilepsy. The other tumor, in the 7-year-old dog, was diagnosed as carcinoma tubulare mammae with metastases in the lungs and brain, and small areas of demyelization in the brain (near the lateral ventriculi), and in the white matter of the cerebellum. The presented cases of neoplasia in dogs with a manifestation of seizure activity and neurological symptoms indicate the necessity for performing wide diagnostic procedures. A dog patient with neurological symptoms should always be suspected of brain neoplasia disease, while cases with mammilla tumor might indicate secondary metastasis to the central nervous system. [References: 17]
机译:介绍了12岁狗和肾小管癌的原发性神经胶质瘤的神经系统症状,治疗和神经病理学,以及7岁狗的继发性肺和脑转移。中枢神经系统原发性肿瘤呈粉红色白色,柔软,直径大(2.5 x 1.3厘米),位于脑干的蛛网膜下腔。组织学检查显示该肿瘤(胶质间质)的混合特征类似于神经胶质肉瘤。该中枢神经系统肿瘤与神经系统症状和癫痫有关。另一只肿瘤是这只7岁大狗,被诊断为肺小管癌,在肺部和脑部有转移,脑部(在侧脑室附近)和小脑白质附近有少量脱髓鞘。 。所呈现的犬的肿瘤形成病例具有癫痫发作活动和神经系统症状,这表明需要进行广泛的诊断程序。患有神经系统症状的狗患者应始终被怀疑患有脑肿瘤,而具有乳腺肿瘤的患者则可能提示中枢神经系统继发转移。 [参考:17]



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