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Resurgence of Pseudomonas endocarditis in Detroit, 2006-2008.


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A resurgence of endocarditis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa was seen in 10 injection drug users (IDUs) in Detroit between 2006 and 2008 (6 men, 4 women; mean age, 48.1 yr). All patients tested negative for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Five patients had left-sided endocarditis of the mitral valve and/or the aortic valve; 3 of 5 patients had prosthetic valve endocarditis. Four of 10 patients had right-sided endocarditis of the tricuspid valve alone. One patient had bilateral involvement of the aortic and tricuspid valves. Nine patients had Pseudomonas endocarditis (PsE); 1 patient had mixed endocarditis with P. aeruginosa and Candida parapsilosis. Seven of 10 patients were treated with a combination of intravenous cefepime, 4-6 g/d, plus high-dose tobramycin (HDT) for at least 6 weeks. Tobramycin, 8 mg/kg per day, was given as a single daily dose intravenously, aiming for peak serum levels of 18-22 microg/mL and trough levels of <1 microg/mL. The patient with mixed endocarditis was also treated with fluconazole. Two patients initially treated with other antipseudomonal regimens, including cefepime alone and piperacillin/tazobactam plus tobramycin, failed treatment and were switched to cefepime and HDT. A third patient was switched to cefepime and ciprofloxacin because of nephrotoxicity. Two patients developed nephrotoxicity to tobramycin; 1 patient developed ototoxicity. The overall medical cure rate for both left-sided and right-sided disease was 80% (4/5). All 5 patients who required surgery survived (5/5; 100%). Overall outcome was 90% (9/10). Indications for valve replacement were recurrent Pseudomonas bacteremia (n = 3), recurrent bacteremia and congestive heart failure (n = 1), and persistent bacteremia and fungemia (n = 1). Tricuspid valvulectomy with valve replacement was successful in 2 patients and in a third patient who had successful replacement of both the tricuspid and the aortic valve for recurrent bacteremia and congestive heart failure. Two patients with pure left-sided prosthetic valve endocarditis underwent successful repeat valve replacements. Although this is a small series, the overall mortality rate (1/10; 10%) was low. The patient who did not survive had left-sided involvement of the aortic valve and could not undergo surgery because of a large embolic cerebral infarct. The mortality rate of left-sided disease in the current series was 16.7% (1/6 including the patient with tricuspid and aortic valve PsE) compared to 60% in a series of 15 patients reported in 1990.Our current antimicrobial regimen for PsE consists of a combination of cefepime, 6 g/d, in 3 divided doses, plus HDT, 8 mg/kg per day, given as a single daily dose for 6 weeks. For cefepime-resistant Pseudomonas, imipenem, 4-6 g/d, or meropenem, 6 g/d, plus HDT has been successful. For right-sided disease refractory to medical therapy, surgical intervention is recommended if Pseudomonas bacteremia persists for 2 weeks on appropriate antimicrobial therapy or if bacteremia recurs after a 6-week course of treatment. Tricuspid repair/reconstruction or valvulectomy with valve replacement plus combined antipseudomonal regimen may be the optimal therapy for refractory right-sided endocarditis. This approach not only may prevent the development of severe and permanent impairment of right ventricular function, which is a complication of valvulectomy alone without valve replacement, but also may cure the infection. For left-sided disease, surgery is recommended if blood cultures remain positive for 7 days on appropriate antimicrobial therapy or if Pseudomonas bacteremia recurs after completion of a 6-week course of the combined regimen.
机译:在2006年至2008年之间,在底特律的10名注射吸毒者(IDU)中发现了由铜绿假单胞菌引起的心内膜炎的复发(男6例,女4例;平均年龄48.1岁)。所有患者的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)测试均为阴性。五例患者患有二尖瓣和/或主动脉瓣的左侧心内膜炎; 5例患者中有3例患有人工瓣膜心内膜炎。 10名患者中有4名仅患有三尖瓣右侧心内膜炎。 1例患者双侧受累于主动脉瓣和三尖瓣。 9例患者患有假单胞菌心内膜炎(PsE); 1例患者合并铜绿假单胞菌和副念珠菌混合性心内膜炎。 10名患者中有7名接受了静脉注射头孢吡肟4-6 g / d联合大剂量妥布霉素(HDT)的治疗,至少持续6周。妥布霉素每天8 mg / kg,以单日静脉注射的方式给药,目的是使血清峰值水平为18-22 microg / mL,谷底水平为<1 microg / mL。混合性心内膜炎患者也接受了氟康唑治疗。最初接受其他抗假性伪狂犬病疗法的两名患者治疗失败,转而使用头孢吡肟和HDT,其中包括单独的头孢吡肟和哌拉西林/他唑巴坦加妥布霉素。第三名患者由于肾毒性而改用头孢吡肟和环丙沙星。 2例患者对妥布霉素产生肾毒性。 1例患者出现耳毒性。左侧和右侧疾病的总体医疗治愈率为80%(4/5)。所有5例需要手术的患者均存活(5/5; 100%)。总体结果为90%(9/10)。瓣膜置换的指征是复发性假单胞菌菌血症(n = 3),复发性菌血症和充血性心力衰竭(n = 1)以及持续性菌血症和真菌血症(n = 1)。二尖瓣三尖瓣切除术伴瓣膜置换术成功2例,第三例因复发性菌血症和充血性心力衰竭而成功替换三尖瓣和主动脉瓣膜成功。两名患有单纯性左侧人工瓣膜心内膜炎的患者成功进行了重复瓣膜置换术。尽管这是一个小系列,但总死亡率(1/10; 10%)很低。未能存活的患者主动脉瓣左侧受累,由于栓塞性脑梗塞大而无法进行手术。当前系列中左侧疾病的死亡率为16.7%(包括三尖瓣和主动脉瓣PsE的患者为1/6),而1990年报告的15例患者中这一比例为60%。我们目前的PsE抗菌方案包括头孢吡肟6 g / d的组合,分3次服用,加HDT每天8 mg / kg,以单次每日剂量服用,持续6周。对于耐头孢吡肟的假单胞菌,亚胺培南4-6 g / d或美罗培南6 g / d,加HDT已成功。对于药物难以治疗的右侧疾病,如果假单胞菌菌血症在适当的抗菌治疗下持续2周,或者在治疗6周后复发,则建议进行手术干预。三尖瓣修复/重建或瓣膜切除术联合瓣膜置换加联合抗假性肺动脉方案可能是难治性右侧心内膜炎的最佳治疗方法。这种方法不仅可以防止右心室功能严重和永久性损伤的发展,这是不进行瓣膜置换的单纯瓣膜切除术的并发症,而且可以治愈感染。对于左侧疾病,如果在适当的抗微生物治疗下血液培养保持阳性7天或在联合治疗6周疗程后假单胞菌菌血症复发,则建议进行手术。



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