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Who Is Doing the Dance in Epididymis: The Principle of Moblile Echogenicities Without Filarial Infection Case Report


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The aim of this study was to explore the principle of moblile echogenicities in epididymis in patients with a history of postvasectomy or infertility, which were reported as the characteristic sonographic sign of filarial infection.We reported a 38-year-old man presented with a 3-year history of infertility after marriage. Ultrasound imaging revealed an enlarged body in the inner left epididymis along with innumerable punctate mobile echogenicities, which showed random to-and-fro movements in the left epididymis. This had previously been recognized as the sonographic filarial dance sign of live filarial worms or microfilaria. The patient subsequently underwent needle aspiration of the left epididymis.Histopathological examination confirmed that the mobile echogenicities were a large number of macrophages with phagocytized sperm or clumps of agglutinated sperm. Our report includes a video clip that will help familiarize readers with this phenomenon.Our case highlighted that moblile echogenicities should be an important sign for epididymal obstruction to initiate corresponding treatment.



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