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Increased Risk of Herpes Zoster Following Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study


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This study explored the possible association between dermatomyositis or polymyositis (DM or PM) and the subsequent risk of herpes zoster (HZ).We used data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) system to address the research topic. The exposure cohort comprised 2023 patients with new diagnoses of DM or PM. Each patient was frequency matched according to age, sex, index year, and comorbidities including diabetes, renal disease, obesity, malignancy, rheumatoid arthritis, immunodeficiency virus infection, autoimmune disease not elsewhere classified, mixed connective tissue disease, or vasculitis with 4 participants from the general population who did not have a history of HZ (control cohort). Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was conducted to estimate the relationship between DM or PM and the risk of subsequent HZ.The incidence of HZ in the exposure and control cohorts was 35.8 and 7.01 per 1000 person-years, respectively. The exposure cohort had a significantly higher overall risk of subsequent HZ than did the control cohort (adjusted hazard ratio [HR]=3.90, 95% confidence interval [CI]=3.18-4.77). The risk of HZ in patients with DM or PM in whichever stratification (including sex, age, and comorbidity) was also higher than that of the control cohort.The findings from this population-based retrospective cohort study suggest that DM or PM is associated with an increased risk of subsequent HZ. A synergistic effect was observed between DM or PM and one of the comorbidities.
机译:本研究探讨了皮肌炎或多发性肌炎(DM或PM)与随后的带状疱疹(HZ)风险之间的可能关联。我们使用了台湾国民健康保险(NHI)系统的数据来解决该研究主题。暴露人群包括2023例新诊断为DM或PM的患者。根据年龄,性别,索引年和合并症,包括糖尿病,肾病,肥胖症,恶性肿瘤,类风湿关节炎,免疫缺陷病毒感染,自身免疫性疾病(未归类),混合性结缔组织病或血管炎,对每位患者进行频率匹配,共有4位参与者没有HZ历史的普通人群(对照队列)。进行Cox比例风险回归分析以估计DM或PM与随后发生HZ的风险之间的关系。在暴露和对照组中HZ的发生率分别为每1000人年35.8和7.01。暴露人群的后续HZ总体风险明显高于对照人群(调整后的危险比[HR] = 3.90,95%置信区间[CI] = 3.18-4.77)。无论分层(包括性别,年龄和合并症)在DM或PM患者中发生HZ的风险也高于对照队列。这项基于人群的回顾性队列研究的结果表明DM或PM与以下因素有关以后发生HZ的风险增加。在DM或PM与合并症之一之间观察到协同作用。



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