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Giant-cell arteritis without cranial manifestations: Working diagnosis of a distinct disease pattern


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Diagnosis of giant-cell arteritis (GCA) is challenging in the absence of cardinal cranial symptoms/signs. We aimed to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic process, and disease course of GCA patients without cranial symptoms, and to compare them to those of patients with typical cranial presentation. In this retrospective multicenter study, we enrolled patients with GCA who satisfied at least 3 of the 5 American College of Rheumatology criteria for GCA, or 2 criteria associated with contributory vascular biopsy other than temporal artery biopsy or with demonstration of large-vessel involvement; underwent iconographic evaluation of large arterial vessels (aortic CT scan or a positron emission tomography with F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose combined with computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) scan or cardiac echography combined with a large-vessel Doppler) at diagnosis. We divided the cohort into 2 groups, distinguishing between patients without cranial symptoms/signs (i.e., headaches, clinical temporal artery anomaly, jaw claudication, ophthalmologic symptoms) and those with cranial symptoms/signs. In the entire cohort of 143 patients, all of whom underwent vascular biopsy and vascular imaging, we detected 31 (22%) patients with no cranial symptoms/signs. In the latter, diagnosis was biopsy proven in an arterial sample in 23 cases (74% of patients, on a temporal site in 20 cases and on an extratemporal site in 3). One-third of these 31 patients displayed extracranial symptoms/signs whereas the remaining two-thirds presented only with constitutional symptoms and/or inflammatory laboratory test results. Compared to the 112 patients with cardinal cranial clinical symptoms/signs, patients without cranial manifestations displayed lower levels of inflammatory laboratory parameters (C-reactive level: 68 [9-250]mg/L vs 120 [3-120]mg/L; P<0.01), highest rate of aorta and aortic branch involvement identified (19/31 (61%) vs 42/112 (38%); P = 0.02) and also a lower rate of disease relapse (12/31 (39%) vs 67/112 (60%); P = 0.04). Our results suggest that patients without cranial symptoms/signs are prone to lower inflammatory laboratory parameters, fewer relapses, and more large-vessel involvement than those displaying cardinal cranial manifestations. Further studies are therefore required in order to determine whether these 2 subgroups of patients have a different prognosis, and therefore warrant different therapeutic and monitoring regimens.
机译:在没有主要颅骨症状/体征的情况下,巨细胞动脉炎(GCA)的诊断具有挑战性。我们旨在描述无颅症状的GCA患者的临床表现,诊断过程和病程,并将其与典型颅表现的患者进行比较。在这项回顾性多中心研究中,我们纳入了GCA患者,这些患者至少满足美国风湿病学院5项GCA标准中的3项,或者满足2项与颞下动脉活检以外的其他参与性血管活检相关的标准,或者表现出大血管受累;在诊断时,对大型动脉血管进行了影像学评估(主动脉CT扫描或F-18-氟脱氧葡萄糖结合计算机断层扫描(FDG-PET / CT)扫描的正电子发射断层扫描或结合大血管多普勒的心脏回波描记术)。我们将队列分为两组,区分没有颅骨症状/体征(即头痛,临床颞动脉异常,下颌骨lau行,眼科症状)的患者和具有颅骨症状/体征的患者。在全部143例患者中,所有患者均进行了血管活检和血管成像,我们检测到31例(22%)无颅骨症状/体征的患者。在后者中,有23例在动脉样本中证实了活检诊断(74%的患者,在20例在颞部,在3例在颞外)。这31名患者中有三分之一表现出颅外症状/体征,而其余三分之二仅表现出体质症状和/或炎症实验室检查结果。与112例具有基本颅脑临床症状/体征的患者相比,无颅骨表现的患者显示出较低的炎症实验室指标水平(C反应水平:68 [9-250] mg / L vs 120 [3-120] mg / L; P <0.01),主动脉和主动脉分支受累率最高(19/31(61%)vs 42/112(38%); P = 0.02),疾病复发率也较低(12/31(39%) )vs 67/112(60%); P = 0.04)。我们的结果表明,没有颅骨症状/体征的患者比那些具有基本颅骨表现的患者更容易出现炎症实验室指标降低,复发率降低以及更多的大血管受累。因此,需要进一步的研究以确定这两个亚组的患者是否有不同的预后,并因此需要不同的治疗和监测方案。



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