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Recovery of consciousness and an injured ascending reticular activating system in a patient who survived cardiac arrest: A case report


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We report on a patient who survived cardiac arrest and showed recovery of consciousness and an injured ARAS at the early stage of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HI- BI) for 3 weeks, which was demonstrated by diffusion tensor tractography (DTT).A 52-year-old male patient who had suffered cardiac arrest caused by acute coronary syndrome was resuscitated immediately by a layman and paramedics for approximate to 25 minutes. He was then transferred immediately to the emergency room of a local medical center. When starting rehabilitation at 2 weeks after onset, his consciousness was impaired, with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 8 and Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (GRS-R) score of 8. He underwent comprehensive rehabilitative therapy, including drugs for recovery of consciousness. He recovered well and rapidly so that his consciousness had recovered to full scores in terms of GCS:15 and GRS-R:23 at 5 weeks after onset.The left lower dorsal and right lower ventral ARAS had become thicker on 5-week DTT compared with 2-week DTT (Fig. 1B). Regarding the change of neural connectivity of the thalamic ILN, increased neural connectivity to the basal forebrain and prefrontal cortex was observed in both hemispheres on 5-week DTT compared with 2-week DTT.Recovery of an injured ARAS was demonstrated in a patient who survived cardiac arrest and his consciousness showed rapid and good recovery for 3 weeks at the early stage of HI-BI.
机译:我们报道了一名患者,该患者在心脏缺氧缺血性脑损伤(HI-BI)的早期阶段存活了3周,并在心脏骤停中幸存下来,并表现出意识的恢复和ARAS受伤,这通过弥散张量束带描记法(DTT)得以证实.A 52一名因急性冠状动脉综合征引起的心脏骤停的三岁男性患者,立即由外行和护理人员进行了大约25分钟的复苏。然后,他被立即转移到当地医疗中心的急诊室。在发病后2周开始康复时,他的意识受到损害,格拉斯哥昏迷量表(GCS)评分为8,昏迷恢复量表修订(GRS-R)评分为8。他接受了全面的康复治疗,包括康复药物意识。发病后5周,他恢复得很好,很快,因此意识已恢复到GCS:15和GRS-R:23的满分.5周DTT时,左下背和右下腹ARAS变得更浓使用2周DTT(图1B)。关于丘脑ILN的神经连通性变化,与2周DTT相比,在5周DTT观察到两个半球与基底前脑和前额叶皮层的神经连通性都增加了。在HI-BI的早期阶段,心脏骤停和他的意识显示快速,良好的恢复3周。



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