首页> 外文期刊>Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology >Effect of Water Stress (Drought) on the Antimicrobial Activity of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum L.and Gongronema latifolium Benth.

Effect of Water Stress (Drought) on the Antimicrobial Activity of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum L.and Gongronema latifolium Benth.


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The effect of water stress (drought) on the antimicrobial activity of the leaves of Ocimum gratissimum L. and Gongronema latifolium Benth. was investigated. Cultivated O. gratissimum and G. latifolium, planted in buckets, were subjected to mild stressby supplying each bucket with 500 ml of water once a week, while the control treatment was supplied with 750 ml of water three times a week. The treatment commenced 2 months after seedling emergence. Leaves were harvested for the sensitivity test one month from the date of commencement of treatment. The sensitivity test of the ethanolic extracts of the harvested leaves was applied to Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Streptococcusfaecalis, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Water stress (drought) significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the antimicrobial activity of O. gratissimum and G. latifolium leaves except for Candida albicans, whose growth reduction was not significant. Therewas a decrease in the inhibition zone due to water stress treatment. The ethanolic extracts of the leaves of both plants had no antimicrobial effect on A. niger. Water stress (drought) reduced the bioactive substances in the leaves which in turn affected the ability of the extracts to inhibit pathogenic activity, thus affecting the efficacy of the plants as medicinal plants.
机译:水分胁迫(干旱)对Ocimum gratissimum L.和Gongronema latifolium Benth叶片抗菌活性的影响。被调查了。桶中种植的栽培O. gratissimum和G. latifolium通过每周向每个桶供应500毫升水而受到轻度压力,而对照处理则每周提供三次750毫升水。幼苗出苗后两个月开始处理。从开始处理之日起一个月,收获叶片用于敏感性试验。将收获的叶片的乙醇提取物的敏感性测试应用于肺炎克雷伯菌,大肠杆菌,金黄色葡萄球菌,铜绿假单胞菌,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,粪链球菌,白色念珠菌和黑曲霉。水分胁迫(干旱)显着(P <0.05)降低了O. gratissimum和G. latifolium叶片的抗菌活性,白色念珠菌的生长减少并不明显。由于水分胁迫处理,抑制区减少。两种植物的叶子的乙醇提取物对黑曲霉均无抗菌作用。水分胁迫(干旱)减少了叶片中的生物活性物质,继而影响了提取物抑制病原活性的能力,从而影响了植物作为药用植物的功效。



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