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Normalities are not the Only Answer for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients


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Because our actions change, our responsibility is modified; because our responsibility is modified, we need to question the ethics of the action. Our action is situated right there between announcing a diagnosis, the theoretical and practical result of identification, the determining and naming of a fact and voicing the disease which is a human action where medical and technical expertise comes up against a life and its story. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease, is a degenerative disease of the motor neurons leading to paralysis. In the absence of any curative treatment, the natural course always results in death. Since 1989, progress in the management of this disease in France has been exponential, resulting in the creation of 17 expert centres throughout the country in 2003. Guidelines have been drawn up through consensus conferences and coordination meetings. For the delicate stage of the announcement, three requirements have been adopted: the quality of receptiveness of the medical practitioner and his team, their ability to listen and to adapt to the particularities of the patient in their care; their commitment with regard to legal obligations as to how and to whom to transmit information; and the need for a multidisciplined approach to be able to rapidly support the patient and his family. Questioning in the field of applied ethics has led us to examine whether having a benevolent and non-harmful attitude towards these patients, respecting their autonomy and legal rights are parameters required in this specialized practice. Through a transversal thematic analysis of the experiences of the medical practitioners at the Centres, we would like to explore a hypothesis of the remarkable epistemological progression of the neurologist in this form of care in the pure Hippocratic tradition. Through the compassionate experience of the other by these committed doctors and their teams, we will try to outline the view of anthropological phenom...
机译:因为我们的行为发生了变化,所以我们的责任有所改变;因为我们的责任已经改变,所以我们需要质疑行动的道德。我们的行动正好介于宣布诊断,鉴定的理论和实践结果,确定和命名事实以及为疾病发声之间,这是一项人类行动,医学和技术专长会危及生命及其故事。肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)或Lou Gehrig病是运动神经元的变性疾病,导致麻痹。在没有任何治疗的情况下,自然病程总是导致死亡。自1989年以来,法国在控制该疾病方面取得了成倍的进展,从而在2003年在法国建立了17个专家中心。通过共识会议和协调会议起草了准则。在公告的微妙阶段,采纳了三个要求:医生及其团队的接受质量,他们的倾听能力和适应患者护理特点的能力;他们对如何以及向谁传送信息的法律义务的承诺;以及需要能够快速支持患者及其家人的多学科方法。在应用伦理学领域的质疑使我们研究了对这些患者是否具有仁慈和无害的态度,尊重他们的自主权和合法权利是该专业实践所要求的参数。通过对中心医疗人员的经验进行横向专题分析,我们想探索一种假设,即纯希波克拉底传统中神经科医生在这种护理形式中的认识论进展显着。通过这些敬业的医生及其团队对他人的同情心经验,我们将尝试概述人类学现象的观点。



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