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Scholarship in an age of big data


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We are entering an age of 'big data' where the vast amounts of data we collect from a myriad of online systems and sensors are being analysed to discover (or uncover) patterns that would previously have gone unnoticed: "Big data refers to things one can do at a large scale that cannot be done at a small one, to extract new insights or create new forms of value, in ways that change markets, organisations, the relationship between citizens and governments, and more." (Mayer-Schonberger and Cukier, 2013:p6) Medical education is not immune to the impact of big data thinking and practice, reflected for instance in the tracking and modelling of learner behaviour and capability through learning management systems and social media. In this edition of eMT I review how big data concepts are already or are likely to impact medical education, with a particular focus on what this means for the future of scholarship and enquiry in medical education. Big data The concept of big data originated in disciplines that depend on very large data sets such as astronomy, genomics, and meteorology. In recent years big data has become a more ubiquitous concept as our many interactions with digital devices generate ever-increasing amounts of data that can be used for increasingly sophisticated purposes. For example tools such as Google Analytics (www.google.com/analytics) provide rich data on traffic to and through a website, allowing website owners to adjust their material to maximize its impact. Similarly, there are an ever growing range of tools to analyse trends in social media such as Twitter (such as wwrw.twitonomy.com). A recent review of Google's analytics applied to medical education videos in YouTube concluded that "simplified data on very large numbers were much more useful than greater detail on [just a few]", particularly in identifying patterns of behaviour such as which segments of a video were played or replayed more often than others (Topps et al, 2012).
机译:我们正在进入“大数据”时代,正在分析从众多在线系统和传感器中收集的大量数据,以发现(或发现)以前不会被注意到的模式:“大数据指的是一个事物可以通过改变市场,组织,公民与政府之间的关系等方式来大规模地开展,规模不大的事情,以获取新的见解或创造新的价值形式。” (Mayer-Schonberger和Cukier,2013:p6)医学教育不能幸免于大数据思维和实践的影响,例如通过学习管理系统和社交媒体对学习者行为和能力的跟踪和建模就体现了这一点。在本期eMT中,我将回顾大数据概念已经或可能影响医学教育,特别关注这对医学教育中的奖学金和探究的未来意味着什么。大数据大数据的概念起源于依赖于非常大的数据集的学科,例如天文学,基因组学和气象学。近年来,大数据已成为一个更加普遍的概念,因为我们与数字设备的许多互动产生了越来越多的数据,这些数据可用于越来越复杂的目的。例如,诸如Google Analytics(分析)(www.google.com/analytics)之类的工具可提供有关进入和通过网站的流量的丰富数据,从而使网站所有者可以调整其材料以最大程度地发挥其影响。同样,有越来越多的工具可用于分析社交媒体(如Twitter)(例如wwrw.twitonomy.com)中的趋势。最近对适用于YouTube中的医学教育视频的Google分析的评论得出结论,“简化的大量数据比[仅少数几个]的详细信息要有用得多”,特别是在识别行为模式(例如视频的哪些片段)时比其他人更经常玩或重播(Topps等,2012)。



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