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Detection of tick-borne Anaplasma bovis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Anaplasma centrale in Spain


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The genus Anaplasma (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) includes species of medical and veterinary importance. The presence of Anaplasma spp. in ticks from birds, as well as in Haemaphysalis punctata (Ixodida: Ixodidae) specimens collected from cattle and vegetation in northern Spain was investigated. A total of 336 ticks from birds [174 Ixodes frontalis (Ixodida: Ixodidae), 108 H.punctata, 34 Hyalomma marginatum (Ixodida: Ixodidae), 17 Ixodes ricinus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) and three Ixodes spp.], and 181 H.punctata specimens collected from cattle (n=71) and vegetation (n=110) were analysed. Anaplasma bovis was detected in five H.punctata, including two from birds (1.9%) and three from vegetation (2.7%). Four I.frontalis (2.3%) (one co-infected with CandidatusMidichloria mitochondrii') and one I.ricinus (5.9%) removed from birds, as well as four H.punctata (5.6%) collected from cattle showed Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection. In addition, Anaplasma centrale was found in two H.punctata, one from a cow (1.4%) and the other from vegetation (0.9%). This study represents the first evidence of the presence of A.bovis in European ticks, and reports the first detection of A.bovis and A.centrale in H.punctata, and the first finding of A.phagocytophilum and Ca.Midichloria mitochondrii' in I.frontalis.
机译:Anaplasma(Rickettsiales:Anaplasmataceae)属具有医学和兽医学重要性。 Anaplasma spp的存在。从鸟类的tick中抽出,以及在西班牙北部的牛和植被中采集的点状血虫(Ixodida:Ixodidae)进行了调查。共有336个s科鸟类的鸟类[[174额额龙(Ixodida:Ixodidae),108 H.punctata,34玻尿酸菌缘(Ixodida:Ixodidae),17 I Ixodes ricinus(Ixodida:Ixodidae)和3个Ixodes spp。]和181 H.对从牛(n = 71)和植被(n = 110)收集的点状标本进行了分析。在五个绣球菌中检出了牛无形体,其中两个来自鸟类(1.9%),三个来自植被(2.7%)。从禽类中取出的四只额线虫(2.3%)(一种与白色念珠菌线粒体共感染)和一头蓖麻油菌(5.9%),以及从牛身上收集到的四点刺线虫(5.6%)显示出吞噬嗜浆细胞感染。此外,在两个绣球菌中发现了中央无形体,一个来自母牛(1.4%),另一个来自植被(0.9%)。这项研究代表了欧洲壁虱中首次存在牛气单胞菌的证据,并报告了在H.punctata中首次检测到牛气单胞菌和中心曲霉,并首次发现了嗜盐气单胞菌和线粒体线粒体钙。额叶



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