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Log transformation benefits parameter estimation in microwave tomographic imaging.


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Microwave tomographic imaging falls under a broad category of nonlinear parameter estimation methods when a Gauss-Newton iterative reconstruction technique is used. A fundamental requirement in using these approaches is evaluating the appropriateness of the regression model. While there have been numerous investigations of regularization techniques to improve overall image quality, few, if any, studies have explored the underlying statistical properties of the model itself. The ordinary least squares (OLS) approach is used most often, but there are other options such as the weighted least squares (WLS), maximum likelihood (ML), and maximum a posteriori (MAP) that may be more appropriate. In addition, a number of variance stabilizing transformations can be applied to make the inversion intrinsically more linear. In this paper, a statistical analysis is performed of the properties of the residual errors from the reconstructed images utilizing actual measured data and it is demonstrated that the OLS algorithm with a log transformation (OLSlog) is clearly advantageous relative to the more commonly used OLS approach by itself. In addition, several high contrast imaging experiments are performed, which demonstrate that different subsets of data are emphasized in each method and may contribute to the overall image quality differences.



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