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Is accreditation a true reflection of quality?


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The RAS-MAPK pathway is critical for human growth and development. Abnormalities at different steps of this signaling cascade result in neuro-cardio-facial-cutaneous syndromes, or the RASopathies, a group of disorders with overlapping yet distinct phenotypes. RASopathy patients have variable degrees of intellectual disability, poor growth, relative macrocephaly, ectodermal abnormalities, dysmorphic features, and increased risk for certain malignancies. Congenital heart disease, particularly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and pulmonic stenosis, are prominent features in these disorders. Significant locus heterogeneity exists for many of the RASopathies. Traditionally, these diseases were thought to be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. However, recently patients with defects in two components of this pathway and overlapping features of various forms of Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis 1 and have been reported. Here we present a patient with severe, progressive neonatal HCM, elevated urinary catecholamine metabolites, and dysmorphic features in whom we identified a known LEOPARD syndrome-associated PTPN11 mutation (c.1403 C>T; p.T468M) and a novel, potentially pathogenic missense SOS1 variant (c.1018 C>T; p.P340S) replacing a rigid nonpolar imino acid with a polar amino acid at a highly conserved position. We describe detailed clinical manifestations, cardiac histopathology, and the molecular genetic findings. Oligogenic models of inheritance with potential synergistic effects should be considered in the RASopathies.
机译:RAS-MAPK途径对人类的生长发育至关重要。该信号传导级联的不同步骤的异常会导致神经-心脏-面部-皮肤综合征或RASopathies,这是一组具有重叠但明显表型的疾病。 RAS病患者具有不同程度的智力残疾,生长不良,相对大头畸形,表皮异常,畸形特征以及某些恶性肿瘤风险增加。先天性心脏病,特别是肥厚型心肌病(HCM)和肺动脉狭窄是这些疾病的突出特征。许多RASopathies存在显着的基因座异质性。传统上,这些疾病被认为以常染色体显性方式遗传。然而,近来已经报道了在该途径的两个部分中具有缺陷并且各种形式的Noonan综合征和神经纤维瘤病具有重叠特征的患者。在这里,我们介绍了一名患有严重,进行性新生儿HCM,尿儿茶酚胺代谢产物升高和畸形特征的患者,其中我们鉴定了一种已知的LEOPARD综合征相关的PTPN11突变(c.1403 C> T; p.T468M)和一种新型的潜在致病性missense SOS1变体(c.1018 C> T; p.P340S)在高度保守的位置用极性氨基酸取代了刚性非极性亚氨基酸。我们描述了详细的临床表现,心脏组织病理学和分子遗传学发现。具有潜在协同作用的遗传寡聚模型应在RASopathies中考虑。



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